We publish videos of our games and are always recruiting good players. I am a cinema and photography graduate who holds awards in sound design. We exorcise murder hobos on a daily basis in our world. The villainy starts out with city guards on the take and leads back to the player characters themselves.
I have been running a consistent game on Roll20 for the better part of a year now. Finding consistent players is difficult in Roll20. It's also difficult at a tabletop. We have a large group of consistent players that play on a daily basis. We have a large scale open world. Each player can have their own version of the game that includes players and characters from the main world of Obsidian Bay. Our multiverse is a hodgepodge of homebrew and module based offerings. We own almost all the major modules available by Wizards of the Coast.
Join our group of players, we play every day.
Here are the time slots that we play in on a weekly and daily basis.