Little late but thought it might be useful to let everyone know I made some changes to the Torg Eternity sheet. Specifically, I added an option for buttons in the roll results that handle Up/Possibility/Coup-de-gras rerolls. Optional because it's built on a mildly hacky abuse of the initiative system, in order to make it work without the API. (For the technically inclined: since Torg doesn't use a standard per-character initiative system I'm using the initiative tracker to store the previous roll.) There's a new little cog in the top right of the sheet, just click on that to open the 'settings' section and you can turn it on, like so: Then all you have to do is make sure you've selected a token before you click the roll buttons, and you'll get results like these: If you don't have a token selected it'll give you a warning message and the buttons will not work very well. Also I forgot to change the possibility template to actually say "Up" instead of "Possibility" when used for such, but that middle result is from pushing the Up button and the bottom one is from the Possibility button. If need be you can tell from hovering over the roll, Up's not having a minimum makes the roll-code a lot simpler.