Hi! I've got a quick question for you all since I have been unable to find the answer and I'd rather not spend a lot of time working on a custom character sheet if it turns out it doesn't have the functionality I need. So currently I am using Power Cards and basic attributes for my character sheets, with several macros that have a bunch of conditional logic to smoothen out rolls and reduce confusion. This includes things like: Calculating damage based off the character's attributes and whether the roll is a crit or not Making attacks that roll a natural "1" or "2" fail automatically, thereby not showing any damage rolls at all Limiting die rolls to a maximum and minimum value since natural 20s need to be rolled and you cannot roll lower than 3 normally in my system. Different outcomes depending on how high you roll. For example, if you roll 4-8 something happens, if you instead roll 9-13 something different happens. are these kinds of conditional statements able to work in a custom character sheet or is it only possible to do this stuff in API? If it is possible, could you maybe guide me to either a relevant topic, or possibly even a character sheet that uses such logic that I can look at? It would be greatly appreciated! Also, if it is only possible to do this in API, would it be possible to create a work-around where the character sheet can populate itself with macros that essentially access the appropriate API?