See topic title. Thanks in advance! Sorry... The 5e ogl sheet!
Not a macro, so much as a script, but since you are a pro user, here is the one I use, by Three of Swords. I've modified my copy to output for the Shaped Sheet, but the original I linked is more generic. Just change the text in the "sendChat" line if you want to modify the output. Put the "overdrive" status on any token. Whenever it takes damage, a Concentration check is posted to the chat.
For anyone reading this thread who uses the Shaped sheet, here is my output line:
sendChat("TokenDamage", "/w gm @{Macros|output_option} &{template:5e-shaped} {{character_name=@{Macros|character_name}}} @{Macros|show_character_name} {{title=Concentration Check}} {{action=1}} @{Macros|hide_gm_info} {{@{Macros|shaped_d20}=1}} {{saving_throw_vs_ability=CONSTITUTION}} {{saving_throw_dc=" +final_conc_DC + "}} {{has_saving_throw_damage=0}} {{has_saving_throw_damage=0}}}} "); }
Ooohhhh... Me likey... And thanks Keith, I think you're a pro user too *finger guns*
Does that calculate the DC? Or does it just post a message saying make a con check?
Wait NVM... Just looked at the code closer. That's awesome! Just have to switch it to the stop watch
Yeah, it's a workhorse for me, and really made concentration dead simple, instead of "that thing you always forget". The shaped sheet puts the link right in chat for the GM or PC to click, figuring from their Con modifier.
I use the script here:
In combination with the 5e OLG sheet, it will automatically figure out the DC check and roll and then either stop, or continue concentration - If anyone reports damage to the token that is currently concentrating.
These are both great scripts!
Problems tho :(
Too bad bc Alterbars is amazing for letting me Players apply dmg to the NPCs and taking that extra workload off me.