"Of course he was the leader. That's why it --" Pisses me off he's bailing so he can go play house with his girlfriend, his robot -- She stamps down on that thought as well as doubly unworthy. Instead, she gives a sharp shake to her head. "He chose to leave. Without any succession plan or discussion. That's how he passed the torch. It's up to us to pick it up from the ground and carry it forward." She growls, and holds up a hand. "And, yes, Jason did the same goddamned thing. Stupid and irresponsible. Almost like a teen-aged boy, except they should know better." Those last two words come out more angry and shouty than she'd intended, and she suddenly realizes she's about to break into an appalling emotional display. "I've got to clean up. I appreciate your help with the flowers." She turns and strides back to the house.