Seikojin said: I think the biggest issue with spectating is how they interact with the players. Not to be mean to people who wish to lurk and watch. Just bringing up a potential game balance issue with spectate. And removing all those freedoms suddenly devalues the person spectating. To allow a spectator in, not have a full icon, not have a full item on the player roster, have limited chat (private channel?), would really take a lot of work on the infrastructure side of roll20. With all that said, I would love it if there was a spectate mode. Even if the watcher could ruin the game. Since the whole idea is about trust and communication. I think, at least at first, spectators should only be able to watch games with no means to interact with the people playing the game. For me the spectators shouldn't be able to interfere with the game (be it via chat or otherwise). And I strongly agree with the last part of your post, playing RPG is indeed about trust and communication, it makes no sense to cheat at it or peek what the GM has in mind for the next sessions and stuff, it just ruins the game and gives no reward to the cheater.