ah, sorry, what I posted was CSS (a language separate from, but works in concert with, HTML). You need to either put it in the html as inline css (the format will change from what I posted), or put it in the css tab of the character sheet edit panel (use the format I posted). You can read about CSS in several places. I personally like the organization on w3schools , although others don't like the site at all. I would also recommend looking for tutorials online about html and css as you really need both of them to code a character sheet. For this instance, inline CSS is probably the better way to go. Inline CSS is like the style='...' that you already have in some of your elements. So, change your textarea element to be this: <textarea style='height: 1 rem' name="attr_heroicnotes"></textarea> I would also highly recommend surrounding all of the element attribute values in at least single quotes (the roll20 parser will turn them into doubles in html that is actually used). This is things like type=text, which should be type='text'.