Branok hurries Isolde behind Magan and grasps his staff nervously as the larger ship drifts closer to them. Two men toss grappling hooks over the side and pull them tight against the side of the longboat, holding it near. Then the men aboard let out a collective battle cry and several grab ropes and swing towards the longboat!
Two pirates aboard loose crossbow bolts at Kara and Magan, as their shipmates leap through the air. Both impact painfully on the warriors' armour leaving bruises that will definitely be felt the next day.
As the pirates leap, Guthric takes his shot. His arrows draws blood, tearing a gash across the jaw of the man who fended off Coelred's thrown axe.
The onslaught of the pirates as they drop aboard the deck of the boat is swift and savage. However, the Red Wolves are equally skilled and it seems their newer companions are also up to the task.
The first pirate to land swings so wildly at Branok that he misses completely and old man had been waiting for him and beats his foe back with his staff!
Magan is also ready for the two pirates that come at him and dodges both strikes as he prepares himself to fight.
Guthric is less lucky and takes a battering from one of the two pirates on him, as he raises his shield to defend himself. The pirate captain shouting orders from aboard the larger ship as he does so.
Meanwhile, Coelred and Ewen are both protected by their armour.
Magan's action.