The group rests for an hour or so, tending to their wounds and recovering their strength after the frenzied chase and fighting. Gawen, having been relatively undamaged during the fighting, spends the time mixing together a few herbs from his pouch with a little water. He grinds them into a paste and ingests it, swallowing despite the bitter flavour. He closes his eyes and concentrates, feeling his senses expand to the point where he feels he can almost - but not quite - pierce the veil to see Annwn. Standing up, he grabs a burning branch from the nearby campfire and walks over to the tunnel entrance, the makeshift torch only illumunating a short way inside. His newly awakened sixth sense twitches as he nears the door. Something about that gemstone? He inspects it more closely - careful not to touch it - but is unable to discern any more. Looking back at his now-rested companions, he gestures inside the tunnel. "Shall we? And stay clear of that stone in the door - there's something about it that smells of enchantment."