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Help with a script (auto-add token actions for npc 5ogl)

Made some changes to the original posted code and it seems not to double up in the new game or on new NPC.&nbsp; sorry to start a new thread the other was closed:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> function getCharacterObj(obj) { "use strict"; //send any object and returns the associated character object //returns character object for attribute, token/graphic, and ability, and... character var objType = obj._type, att, characterObj, tok; if ((objType !== "attribute") &amp;&amp; (objType !== "graphic") &amp;&amp; (objType !== "character")) { sendChat("API"," cannot be associated with a character."); return; } if ((objType === "attribute") || (objType === "ability")) { att = getObj(objType, obj._id); if (att.get("_characterid") !== "") { characterObj = getObj("character", att.get("_characterid")); } } if (objType === "graphic") { tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); if (tok.get("represents") !== "") { characterObj = getObj("character", tok.get("represents")); } else { sendChat("API"," Selected token does not represent a character."); return; } } if (objType === "character") { characterObj = getObj("character", obj._id); } return characterObj; } on("chat:message", function(msg) { "use strict"; var msg, selected, Parameters, statusName, aName, ids, attributeName, newValue, characterObj, attributeObjArray, tok; if (msg.type === "api" &amp;&amp; msg.content.indexOf("!generate-spellbook") !== -1 ) { selected = msg.selected; var parameters = msg.content.split(" "); // Set filter for what spell class to generate a spellbook for // Defaults to -1 for no filter var spellClass = -1; if (parameters.length &gt; 1) spellClass = parameters[1]; // Set the name of the ability the macro will be put into // Defaults to "Spells" var abilityName = "Spells"; if (parameters.length &gt; 2) abilityName = parameters[2]; // Set the title to use in the template header // Defaults to "Spells" var title = "Spells"; if (parameters.length &gt; 3) title = parameters[3]; //loop through selected tokens _.each(selected, function(obj) { tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); // Get the character token represents characterObj = getCharacterObj(obj); if ( ! characterObj) { return; } var characterName = characterObj.get("name"); var rowIDs = new Array(); // Create array for repeating spell attribute names getAllObjs().forEach(function(obj) { // Filter down to just attribute objects belonging to the character, whose name indicates it's a spell if (obj.get("type") !== "attribute") return; if (obj.get("_characterid") !== characterObj.get("_id")) return; if (obj.get("name").indexOf("repeating_spell-") === -1) return; // If this is a name attribute, use that to add the base repeating attribute name to the array if (obj.get("name").indexOf("_spellname") !== -1) rowIDs.push(obj.get("name").substr(0,obj.get("name").indexOf("_spellname"))); }); // Create arrays for individual spell levels var lvl0 = new Array(); var lvl1 = new Array(); var lvl2 = new Array(); var lvl3 = new Array(); var lvl4 = new Array(); var lvl5 = new Array(); var lvl6 = new Array(); var lvl7 = new Array(); var lvl8 = new Array(); var lvl9 = new Array(); var npc = new Array(); // Sort rowIDs into spell levels rowIDs.forEach(function(entry){ // Grab the spell level from attribute name repeating_spell-1 var lvl = entry.substr(16,1); if(entry.indexOf("cantrip") &gt;= 0){ lvl = "cantrip"; } if(entry.indexOf("npc") &gt;= 0){ lvl = "npc"; } // Put spell into the correct spell level switch (lvl) { case "cantrip": lvl0.push(entry); break; case "1": lvl1.push(entry); break; case "2": lvl2.push(entry); break; case "3": lvl3.push(entry); break; case "4": lvl4.push(entry); break; case "5": lvl5.push(entry); break; case "6": lvl6.push(entry); break; case "7": lvl7.push(entry); break; case "8": lvl8.push(entry); break; case "9": lvl9.push(entry); break; case "npc": npc.push(entry); break; } }); var macroText = "/w @{character_name} @{selected|wtype}&amp;{template:atk} {{r1=Spell List}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{normal=1}} {{rname=Spell List}} {{desc="; // Base macro text // Add spells to macro by spell level var addSpells = function(spells, title){ if (spells.length &gt; 0) { var lvlText = ""; spells.forEach(function(entry) { // Check for spell name attribute; was having orphaned row_id attributes creating buttons for repeating rows that didn't actually exist if (_.isUndefined(getAttrByName(characterObj.get("_id"), entry + "_spellname"))) return; if(lvlText){ lvlText += ", "; } lvlText = lvlText + "[@{"+entry+"_spellname}](~"+characterName+"|"+entry+"_spell)[[1d1 @{"+entry+"_spelldescription} ]] "; }); if (lvlText !== "") macroText = macroText+title+"**: **"+ lvlText+"\n\n"; } } addSpells(lvl0, "**Cantrips**"); addSpells(lvl1, "**Level 1**"); addSpells(lvl2, "**Level 2**"); addSpells(lvl3, "**Level 3**"); addSpells(lvl4, "**Level 4**"); addSpells(lvl5, "**Level 5**"); addSpells(lvl6, "**Level 6**"); addSpells(lvl7, "**Level 7**"); addSpells(lvl8, "**Level 8**"); addSpells(lvl9, "**Level 9**"); addSpells(npc, "NPC"); macroText += "}}" // Check for existing ability with chosen ability name var abil = findObjs({ _type: "ability", _characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), name: abilityName }); if (abil.length === 0){ createObj("ability", { name: abilityName, characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), action: macroText, istokenaction: true }); }else{ abil[0].set("action", macroText); } }); } }); on("chat:message", function(msg) { "use strict"; var msg, selected, Parameters, statusName, aName, ids, attributeName, newValue, characterObj, attributeObjArray, tok; if (msg.type === "api" &amp;&amp; msg.content.indexOf("!generate-attackbook") !== -1 ) { selected = msg.selected; var parameters = msg.content.split(" "); // Set filter for what spell class to generate a spellbook for // Defaults to -1 for no filter var spellClass = -1; if (parameters.length &gt; 1) spellClass = parameters[1]; // Set the name of the ability the macro will be put into // Defaults to "Spells" var abilityName = "Attacks"; if (parameters.length &gt; 2) abilityName = parameters[2]; // Set the title to use in the template header // Defaults to "Spells" var title = "Attacks"; if (parameters.length &gt; 3) title = parameters[3]; //loop through selected tokens _.each(selected, function(obj) { tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); // Get the character token represents characterObj = getCharacterObj(obj); if ( ! characterObj) { return; } var characterName = characterObj.get("name"); var attackIds = new Array(); // Create array for repeating spell attribute names var npcActionIds = new Array(); // Create array for repeating spell attribute names var npcReactionIds = new Array(); // Create array for repeating spell attribute names var npcTraitIds = new Array(); // Create array for repeating spell attribute names var legendaryActionIds = new Array(); // Create array for repeating spell attribute names getAllObjs().forEach(function(obj) { // Filter down to just attribute objects belonging to the character, whose name indicates it's a spell if (obj.get("type") !== "attribute") return; if (obj.get("_characterid") !== characterObj.get("_id")) return; if (obj.get("name").indexOf("repeating_attack") === -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("repeating_npcaction") === -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("repeating_npcreaction") === -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("repeating_npctrait") === -1) return; // If this is a name attribute, use that to add the base repeating attribute name to the array if (obj.get("name").indexOf("_atkname") !== -1) attackIds.push(obj.get("name").substr(0,obj.get("name").indexOf("_atkname"))); if (obj.get("name").indexOf("npcaction_") !== -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("_name") !== -1){ npcActionIds.push(obj.get("name").substr(0,obj.get("name").indexOf("_name"))); } if (obj.get("name").indexOf("npcreaction_") !== -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("_name") !== -1){ npcReactionIds.push(obj.get("name").substr(0,obj.get("name").indexOf("_name"))); } if (obj.get("name").indexOf("npctrait_") !== -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("_name") !== -1){ npcTraitIds.push(obj.get("name").substr(0,obj.get("name").indexOf("_name"))); } if (obj.get("name").indexOf("npcaction-l_") !== -1 &amp;&amp; obj.get("name").indexOf("_name") !== -1){ legendaryActionIds.push(obj.get("name").substr(0,obj.get("name").indexOf("_name"))); } }); var macroText = "/w @{character_name} @{selected|wtype}&amp;{template:atk} {{r1=Attack List}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{normal=1}} {{rname=Attack List}} {{desc="; // Base macro text // Add spells to macro by spell level if (attackIds.length &gt; 0) { var lvlText = ""; attackIds.forEach(function(entry) { // Check for spell name attribute; was having orphaned row_id attributes creating buttons for repeating rows that didn't actually exist if (_.isUndefined(getAttrByName(characterObj.get("_id"), entry + "_atkname"))) return; lvlText = lvlText + "\n[@{"+entry+"_atkname}](~"+characterName+"|"+entry+"_attack) "; }); if (lvlText !== "") macroText = macroText+"Attacks: "+ lvlText+"\n\n"; } if (npcActionIds.length &gt; 0) { var lvlText = ""; npcActionIds.forEach(function(entry) { // Check for spell name attribute; was having orphaned row_id attributes creating buttons for repeating rows that didn't actually exist if (_.isUndefined(getAttrByName(characterObj.get("_id"), entry + "_name"))) return; lvlText = lvlText + "\n[@{"+entry+"_name}](~"+characterName+"|"+entry+"_npc_action) "; }); if (lvlText !== "") macroText = macroText+"Actions: "+ lvlText+"\n\n"; } if (legendaryActionIds.length &gt; 0) { var lvlText = ""; legendaryActionIds.forEach(function(entry) { // Check for spell name attribute; was having orphaned row_id attributes creating buttons for repeating rows that didn't actually exist if (_.isUndefined(getAttrByName(characterObj.get("_id"), entry + "_name"))) return; lvlText = lvlText + "\n[@{"+entry+"_name}](~"+characterName+"|"+entry+"_npc_action) "; }); if (lvlText !== "") macroText = macroText+"Legendary Actions: "+ lvlText+"\n\n"; } macroText += "}}" // Check for existing ability with chosen ability name var abil = findObjs({ _type: "ability", _characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), name: abilityName }); if (abil.length === 0){ createObj("ability", { name: abilityName, characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), action: macroText, istokenaction: true }); }else{ abil[0].set("action", macroText); } }); } }); on("chat:message", function(msg) { "use strict"; var msg, selected, Parameters, statusName, aName, ids, attributeName, newValue, characterObj, attributeObjArray, tok; if (msg.type === "api" &amp;&amp; msg.content.indexOf("!generate-checkbook") !== -1 ) { selected = msg.selected; var parameters = msg.content.split(" "); // Set the name of the ability the macro will be put into // Defaults to "Spells" var abilityName = "Checks"; // Set the title to use in the template header // Defaults to "Spells" var title = "Checks"; //loop through selected tokens _.each(selected, function(obj) { tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); // Get the character token represents characterObj = getCharacterObj(obj); if ( ! characterObj) { return; } var characterName = characterObj.get("name"); var macroText = "/w @{character_name} @{selected|wtype}&amp;{template:atk} {{r1=Checks &amp; Saves}} {{charname=@{character_name}}} {{normal=1}} {{rname=Checks}} {{desc="; // Base macro text if(getAttrByName(characterObj.get("_id"), "npc") == 1){ macroText += "Checks: \n" macroText += "[Str](~"+characterName+"|npc_str) "; macroText += ", [Dex](~"+characterName+"|npc_dex) "; macroText += ", [Con](~"+characterName+"|npc_con) "; macroText += ", [Wis](~"+characterName+"|npc_wis) "; macroText += ", [Int](~"+characterName+"|npc_int) "; macroText += ", [Cha](~"+characterName+"|npc_cha) "; macroText += "\n\n[Acrobatics](~"+characterName+"|npc_Acrobatics) "; macroText += ", [Animal Handling](~"+characterName+"|npc_Animal_Handling) "; macroText += ", [Arcana](~"+characterName+"|npc_Arcana) "; macroText += ", [Athletics](~"+characterName+"|npc_Athletics) "; macroText += ", [Deception](~"+characterName+"|npc_Deception) "; macroText += ", [History](~"+characterName+"|npc_History) "; macroText += ", [Insight](~"+characterName+"|npc_Insight) "; macroText += ", [Intimidation](~"+characterName+"|npc_Intimidation) "; macroText += ", [Investigation](~"+characterName+"|npc_Investigation) "; macroText += ", [Medicine](~"+characterName+"|npc_Medicine) "; macroText += ", [Nature](~"+characterName+"|npc_Nature) "; macroText += ", [Perception](~"+characterName+"|npc_Perception) "; macroText += ", [Performance](~"+characterName+"|npc_Performance) "; macroText += ", [Persuasion](~"+characterName+"|npc_Persuasion) "; macroText += ", [Religion](~"+characterName+"|npc_Religion) "; macroText += ", [Sleight of Hand](~"+characterName+"|npc_Sleight_of_Hand) "; macroText += ", [Stealth](~"+characterName+"|npc_Stealth) "; macroText += ", [Survival](~"+characterName+"|npc_Survival) "; macroText += "\n\nSaves: \n" macroText += "[Str](~"+characterName+"|npc_str_save) "; macroText += ", [Dex](~"+characterName+"|npc_dex_save) "; macroText += ", [Con](~"+characterName+"|npc_con_save) "; macroText += ", [Wis](~"+characterName+"|npc_wis_save) "; macroText += ", [Int](~"+characterName+"|npc_int_save) "; macroText += ", [Cha](~"+characterName+"|npc_cha_save) "; } else { macroText += "Checks: \n" macroText += "[Str](~"+characterName+"|strength) "; macroText += ", [Dex](~"+characterName+"|dexterity) "; macroText += ", [Con](~"+characterName+"|constitution) "; macroText += ", [Wis](~"+characterName+"|wisdom) "; macroText += ", [Int](~"+characterName+"|intelligence) "; macroText += ", [Cha](~"+characterName+"|charisma) "; macroText += "\n\n[Acrobatics](~"+characterName+"|Acrobatics) "; macroText += ", [Animal Handling](~"+characterName+"|Animal_Handling) "; macroText += ", [Arcana](~"+characterName+"|Arcana) "; macroText += ", [Athletics](~"+characterName+"|Athletics) "; macroText += ", [Deception](~"+characterName+"|Deception) "; macroText += ", [History](~"+characterName+"|History) "; macroText += ", [Insight](~"+characterName+"|Insight) "; macroText += ", [Intimidation](~"+characterName+"|Intimidation) "; macroText += ", [Investigation](~"+characterName+"|Investigation) "; macroText += ", [Medicine](~"+characterName+"|Medicine) "; macroText += ", [Nature](~"+characterName+"|Nature) "; macroText += ", [Perception](~"+characterName+"|Perception) "; macroText += ", [Performance](~"+characterName+"|Performance) "; macroText += ", [Persuasion](~"+characterName+"|Persuasion) "; macroText += ", [Religion](~"+characterName+"|Religion) "; macroText += ", [Sleight of Hand](~"+characterName+"|Sleight_of_Hand) "; macroText += ", [Stealth](~"+characterName+"|Stealth) "; macroText += ", [Survival](~"+characterName+"|Survival) "; macroText += "\n\nSaves: \n" macroText += "[Str](~"+characterName+"|strength_save) "; macroText += ", [Dex](~"+characterName+"|dexterity_save) "; macroText += ", [Con](~"+characterName+"|constitution_save) "; macroText += ", [Wis](~"+characterName+"|wisdom_save) "; macroText += ", [Int](~"+characterName+"|intelligence_save) "; macroText += ", [Cha](~"+characterName+"|charisma_save) "; macroText += "\n\n☠☠[Death Save](~"+characterName+"|death_save)☠☠"; } macroText += "}}" // Check for existing ability with chosen ability name var abil = findObjs({ _type: "ability", _characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), name: abilityName }); if (abil.length === 0){ createObj("ability", { name: abilityName, characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), action: macroText, istokenaction: true }); }else{ abil[0].set("action", macroText); } }); } }); on("chat:message", function(msg) { "use strict"; var msg, selected, Parameters, statusName, aName, ids, attributeName, newValue, characterObj, attributeObjArray, tok; if (msg.type === "api" &amp;&amp; msg.content.indexOf("!generate-initbook") !== -1 ) { selected = msg.selected; var parameters = msg.content.split(" "); // Set the name of the ability the macro will be put into // Defaults to "Spells" var abilityName = "Initiative"; // Set the title to use in the template header // Defaults to "Spells" var title = "Initiative"; //loop through selected tokens _.each(selected, function(obj) { tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id); // Get the character token represents characterObj = getCharacterObj(obj); if ( ! characterObj) { return; } var characterName = characterObj.get("name"); var macroText = "@{"+characterName+"|wtype}"; // Base macro text if(getAttrByName(characterObj.get("_id"), "npc") == 1){ macroText += "&amp;{template:npc} @{"+characterName+"|npc_name_flag} {{rname=^{init}}} {{mod=[[[[@{"+characterName+"|initiative_bonus}]][DEX]]]}} {{r1=[[@{"+characterName+"|d20}+[[@{"+characterName+"|initiative_bonus}]][DEX] &amp;{tracker}]]}} {{normal=1}} {{type=Initiative}}" } else { macroText += "&amp;{template:simple} {{rname=^{init-u}}} {{mod=@{"+characterName+"|initiative_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{"+characterName+"|initiative_style}+@{"+characterName+"|initiative_bonus}@{"+characterName+"|pbd_safe}[INIT] &amp;{tracker}]]}} {{normal=1}} @{"+characterName+"|charname_output} " } macroText += "" // Check for existing ability with chosen ability name var abil = findObjs({ _type: "ability", _characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), name: abilityName }); if (abil.length === 0){ createObj("ability", { name: abilityName, characterid: characterObj.get("_id"), action: macroText, istokenaction: true }); }else{ abil[0].set("action", macroText); } }); } });
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
What do you need help with for the script? Also, I'd recommend putting the code in a gist and linking to that instead of having a large block of code text in your post.
the npc actions still double up&nbsp;