Hello all! Just upgraded my account in hopes of getting my own game running soon. I made this dungeon to run as a one-shot, to both get some practice with map making, as well as DM'ing.
I finished my lighting all the walls and doors, then started adding in stuff to liven up the dungeon, in this large room I added some stone pillars, and decided I wanted the light to effect them as well, so I drew my rectangles around them, then tested it out. The problem is now players cannot see the pillar inside the lighting. I then attempted to use the reveal tool to highlight the pillars and statue, but as you can see in the picture provided the pillars are not visible.
Is there a work around to being able to have light effect my pillars, while still being able to see the tops of them?
This Image is of my map, the left is the dynamic lighting, and the second half is the view from the shark who has dark vision.
I want the pillars in the image to cast shadows, but still be able to see the top.