I'm trying to make a query within a template. I'm using the NPC templates for my character as they are nice, small, and very neat. This is what I have, @{Ulrick Von Ulrich (Iaceo)|wtype}&{template:npcaction} {{rname=Callidus Actum}} {{name=bonus action}} {{description=?{Which macro?|Dash,**Dash:** Double your Movement |Disengage,**Disengage:** If you take the Disengage action your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn. |Hide,**Hide:** When you take the Hide action you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check in an attempt to hide following the rules for hiding. If you succeed you gain certain Advantage on them, and if they attack you they gain Disadvantage } }} However I want to add a stealth roll to the 3rd option which would be something like this: @{Ulrick Von Ulrich
(Iaceo)|stealth_bonus} It won't work though. I've tried using the |
& }
special characters along with it but to no avail. Is this not possible or is it just above my head?