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The Regiment creation thread


Edited 1394184380
Origin/Homeworld Cost Benefit Agri-World 3 +3 to any two of the following: Fel, Str, or T; All agri-world characters start with Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Surface), and Scholastic Lore (Beasts); One With the Land, Blind to the Horror; and +2 Starting Wounds. Death World 3 +3 to any two of the following: Per, Str, or T; All death world characters are trained in Survival; Fluency/Illiteracy, Hardened, Wary of Outsiders; and +2 Starting Wounds. Feral World 4 +3 to any two of the following: Ag, Str, or WS; All feral world characters start with Awareness, Parry, and Intimidate OR Sleight of Hand; Fluency/Illiteracy, Brutal Warrior, Violent Answers, and Suspicious of Machine Spirits; and +2 Starting Wounds. Feudal World 3 +3 to any two of the following: Str, T or WS; All feudal world characters start with Athletics and Common Lore (War); Fluency/Illiteracy, Fealty, and Suspicious of Machine Spirits; and +1 Starting Wound. Forge World 4 +3 to any two of the following: Int, Per, or T; All forge world characters start with Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Linguistics (Techna Lingua), and Logic; Blessed of the Omnissiah, Rite of Rewiring, Isolated by Machines; and –1 starting Wound. Fortress World 3 +3 to any two of the following: BS, T or WP; Common Lore (Imperium, Imperial Guard, War) and Linguistics (Low Gothic); Hated Enemy, Combat Doctrine, Bred for War; and +0 starting Wounds. Frontier World 4 +3 to any two of the following: Ag, BS, or Perception; All frontier world characters start with Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Surface), and Survival; Life on the Verge, Independent Operation, Distrustful of Authority; and +0 starting Wounds. High Born 3 +3 to any two of the following: Fel, Int, or WS; Common Lore (Administratum), Inquiry, and Linguistics (High Gothic); Fluency (Low Gothic); Duty and Honor, Abundant Resources, and the Finest Tutors; and -1 starting Wound. Hive World 3 +3 to any two of the following: Ag, Fel, or Per; Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, and Linguistics (Low Gothic);Accustomed to Crowds, Hive Bound, Urban Violence; and -1 starting Wound. Imperial World 1 +3 to WP and +3 to any other characteristic; Common Lore (Imperium, Imperial Creed) and Linguistics (Low Gothic); Blessed Ignorance, Kill the Mutant; and +0 to starting Wounds. Mining Colony 3 +3 to any two of the following: Ag, Per, or T; All mining colony characters start with Awareness, Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), and Tech-Use; Acclimated to Darkness, Tunnel Rat, Unaccustomed to Light; and +1 starting Wound. Penal World 2 +3 to any two of the following: Ag, Str, or T; All penal colony characters start with Intimidate and Linguistics (Low Gothic); Honor Amongst Thieves, Larcenous, Scum and Villainy; and +1 starting Wound. Penitent 3 +3 to any two of the following: Ag, T, or WP; All penitent characters start with Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed), Intimidate, and Linguistics (Low Gothic); The Blood of Martyrs, Only One Life to Give, Untempered Zeal; and +2 starting Wounds. Schola Progenium 3 +3 to WP and +3 to either BS or WS; All Schola Progenium characters start with Common Lore (Imperium, Imperial Guard, and War) and Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic); Only in Death Does Duty End; and +1 starting Wound.

Edited 1394159540
Commanding Officer Cost Bonus Bilious 2 You gain the Paranoia talent Circumspect 2 You gain the Foresight talent Choleric 2 You gain the Rapid Reaction talent Fixed 1 You gain training with the Command skill Maverick 2 You gain the Resistance (Fear) talent Melancholic 2 You gain the Air of Authority talent Phlegmatic 1 You gain training with the Common Lore (Imperial Guard, and War) skills Sanguine 2 You gain the Die Hard talent Supine 1 You gain training with the Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy and Imperial Creed) skills

Edited 1394291504
Regiment Type Cost Benefit Armored 4 -3 WS, +3 Int; Operate (Surface); Technical Knock; One Leman Russ battle tank per Squad, and one anointed maintenance toolkit per Player Character. Artillery 4 +3 BS, -3 T; Operate (Surface); Bombardier; 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) and four charge packs per Player Character, 1 Basilisk per Squad or 1 mortar per every two Player Characters, 1 pair of magnoculars per Player Character, 1 vox-caster per Squad. Drop Troops 3 +3 Ag, -3 Fel; Operate (Aeronautica); Catfall; One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armor per Player Character, one respirator per Player Character, one grav-chute per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character. Guerrilla 4 +3 Per, -3 Fel; Stealth; Ambush; 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) and four charge packs per Player Character, 2 blind grenades per Player Character, 2 stun grenades per Player Character, 2 frag grenades per Player Character. Grenadiers 4 +3 BS, +3 T, -3 Per; Tech-Use; Bombardier; 1 auxiliary grenade launcher weapon upgrade per Player Character, 1 additional krak and frag grenade per Player Character, 1 suit of light carapace armour per Player Character, 1 deadspace earpiece per Player Character, 2 grenade launchers per Squad. Heavy Recon 8 +6 Ag, -6 T; Operate (Surface), Tech-Use; Push the Limit, Tank Hunter; 1 Sentinel scout walker per Player Character, 1 set of magnoculars per Player Character. Hunter-Killer 3 +3 BS, -3 Str; Operate (Surface); Resistance (Fear); One Sentinel Scout Walker or Hellhound Support Tank per Squad. Light Infantry 2 +3 Ag, -3 T; Navigate (Surface); Sprint; One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armor and helmet per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character. Line Infantry 2 +3 Str, -3 Int; Athletics; Rapid Reload; One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character, one suit of Imperial Guard flak armor per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character. Mechanized Infantry 3 +3 Ag, -3 Per; Operate (Surface); Rapid Reload; One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character, one suit of Imperial Guard flak armor per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character, and one Chimera Armored Transport per Squad. Reconnaissance 3 +3 Per, -3 WP; Awareness; Combat Sense; One One Sentinel Scout Walker or one Chimera Armored Transport per Squad, and one set of magnoculars per Player Character. Rough Riders 5 +3 Ag, -3 BS; Survival; Catfall; 1 hunting lance (Main Weapon) per Player Character, 1 laspistol and four charge packs per Player Character, 1 flak jacket and flak helmet per Player Character, 1 riding beast per Player Character (see Mount Profiles on page 138 for some examples), 1 saddle per Player Character, 2 saddlebags per Player Character, 1 set of riding tack (reins, harness, etc) per Player Character. Siege Infantry 2 +3 T, -3 Int; Tech-Use; Nerves of Steel; One M36 lasgun and six charge packs per Player Character, one suit of Imperial Guard flak armor per Player Character, one respirator per Player Character, two frag grenades and two photon flash grenades per Player Character. Super Heavy Armored 9 -3 WS, +3 Int; Operate (Surface); Exotic Weapon Training (Baneblade or Volcano Cannon); One Baneblade or Shadowsword tank per Squad. Titan Legion 10 -3 BS, and +3 Int; Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus, War), Operate (Surface); Weapon Training (Plasma); One Warhound Titan (or variant) per Squad, and one MIU implant or one monotask servitor for every two Player Characters.

Edited 1394186950
Training Doctrine Cost Benefit Anti-Aircraft 4 Aptitude: BS; Storm of Iron; Members of Anti-Aircraft regiments gain an additional +10 bonus to their Ballistic Skill to hit airborne targets such as aircraft, ships, and flying creatures. Anti-Armor 4 Common Lore (Tech); Tank Hunter; Members of Anti-Armor regiments add an additional amount to the Penetration of their weapons equal to their Degrees of Success on the attack roll when attacking vehicles. Close Quarters 5 Double Team or Combat Master; 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs and the Compact modification per Player Character, 1 mono knife per Player Character, 1 suit of light carapace armor per Player Character; Members of regiments that specialize in Close Quarters Battle gain an additional +10 bonus to all Ballistic Skill Tests made at Point-Blank Range. Close Order Drill 2 Combat Formation or Double Team Die Hards 3 Aptitude: Toughness Favored Foe 3 Forbidden Lore (any one related to the regimental Hatred) and Hatred (any one enemy of the Imperium) Hardened Fighters 2 +2 WS; Street Fighting; The regiment can replace its standard melee weapon with any Common (or more available) Low-Tech weapon, or apply the Mono upgrade to its standard melee weapon. Heavy Lancers 5 Aptitude: WS; Unstoppable Charge; 1 mono great spear (a great weapon) or 1 hunting lance per Player Character; Members of a Heavy Lancer regiment increase the distance their Mounts can move as part of a Crushing Charge Mounted Special Action by a number of meters equal to twice the Mount’s Agility Bonus Infiltrators 4 Stealth; Blind Fighting; When two or more characters from a Squad with this Doctrine are called upon to make a Stealth Test, one of the characters making the Test may choose to make his Test at a –10 penalty. If he succeeds, one other character making the Test may use the first character’s Agility Characteristic for the Test instead of his own. The characters must be within 10 meters of one another to use this ability. Iron Discipline 3 Aptitude: Willpower Sharp Shooters 4 Aptitude: BS; Deadeye Shot Skirmishers 4 Aptitude: Agility; Skilled Rider or Ambush; When member of a Skirmisher regiment hits a Surprised or Unaware target as part of a Strike and Fade Mounted Special Action, he increases the distance his Mount can move after the attack by a number of metres equal to his Mount’s Agility Bonus Survivalists 4 Aptitude: Agility; Pick a single terrain type (Desert, Jungle, Toxic Wasteland, Tundra, Urban etc) and the regiment can reroll failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) rolls in the chosen terrain.

Edited 1394223313
Special Equipment Doctrine Cost Benefit Augmetics 2 The regiment gains an additional +10 bonus on Logistics tests to acquire bionic replacements. Cavalry Mounts 5 1 riding beast per Player Character, 1 saddle per Player Character, 1 saddle blanket per Player Character, 1 set of bit and bridle (or equivalent) per Player Character, 2 saddle bags per Player Character, 2 weeks’ rations for the mount. Any barding or other mount armor varies by regiment. Chameleoline 3 The regiment is equipped with Chameleoline cloaks or Chameleoline coated armor. Combat Drugs 2 Each Player Character in the regiment gets an injector and either 3 doses of Frenzon or 5 doses of Stimms. Covert Strike 5 1 suit of synskin per Player Character, 1 set of preysense goggles per Player Character; Members of this regiment gain a +10 bonus to all Logistics Tests made to acquire chameleoline cloaks or armour, clip/drop harnesses, rebreathers, survival suits, auspex/scanners, demolitions charges, grav chutes, multi-keys, multi-compasses, stummers, static generators, and any other such equipment designed for stealth and infiltration. The Logistics bonus also covers the following stealth weapons: needle rifles, needle pistols, and sniper rifles, as well as the Silencer and Tox Dispenser upgrades. Demolitions 3 The regiment gains an additional +10 bonus on Logistics tests to acquire grenades, missiles, explosives, and special tank ammunition. Electro-Vox Warfare 4 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 micro-bead per Player Character, 1 anointed electronics toolkit per Player Character, 2 auspex/scanners per Squad, 2 static generators per Squad, 1 vox-caster per Squad, 1 signal jammer per Squad. Forward Observation 4 1 pair of magnoculars per Player Character, 1 chameleoline cloak per Player Character, 1 hand- held targeter per Player Character, and 2 pict recorders per Squad. Scavengers 3 The regiment may choose to gain an extra +10 bonus on any Logistics test but if the roll is doubles, they attract unwanted attention from Higher Authorities. Vanguard 6 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs or 1 combat shotgun (Main Weapon) with four clips per Player Character, 1 combi-tool per Player Character, 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 9-70 entrenching tool per Player Character, 1 anointed toolkit per Player Character, 1 lascutter per Squad, 6 demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad, and a single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turret- mounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting. Warrior Weapons 3 The regiment replaces their Main Weapon with a Common (or more available) Low-Tech weapon and a laspistol with two charge packs. Well-Provisioned 3 The regiment increases the number of clips and weeks of rations it carries by +2. They also gain an extra grenade of each type in their standard kit, and gain a +10 bonus on all Logistics tests to acquire fuel and spare parts to maintain any vehicles that they have.

Edited 1394230120
This is a sample regiment that I created after I ran a short campaign of Dark Heresy, don't actually want you to play the Scholari Scriveners by any means. My preference is for the players to make their own regiment and then build the campaign around that. Please compare the 1st Scholari Scriveners to the 1st Membranes Hive World - Prol IX cost 3 Commander - Phlegmatic cost 1 Regiment Type: Drop Troops cost 3 Training Doctrine - Close Order Drill cost 2 Special Equipment Doctrine - Electro Vox Warfare cost 4 Regimental Drawback - Incompetent Leadership bonus 5 Total cost 8 The Scholari Scriveners were founded on the Administratum hive world of Prol iX from the ice world's "Scholari" Planetary Defense Force. After receiving a shipment of upgraded codifiers and cogitators from the Lathe Worlds, the record keeping bureaucracy planet had little need of its excess population of obsolete Prol scribes (and their families) so the founding was used as an excuse to relieve the strain on the grain shipments to the Prol IX hives. The Scriveners have been trained to drop behind enemy lines and interfere with enemy communications, hopefully that will be of some use (otherwise the Prols will die in droves either way the numbers of mouths needed to feed will be reduced). The political appointment of Major Jaghatai to the rank of Colonel of the Scholari was seen by many as a way for Planetary Governor and Logister-Lord Scrivican to rid himself of the incompetent responsible for failing to put down the uprisings of 816.M41 between the Pyretic and Centurist factions of the populace, as an Inquisitorial audit is pending. Characters belonging to the 1st Scholari Scriveners gain the following advantages: Characteristic Modifiers : +6 Agility, +3 Perception Starting Skills : Common Lore (Imperial Guard, War), Operate (Aeronautica) Starting Talents : Catfall, Combat Formation or Double Team. Accustomed to Crowds : For generations the Prols have lived in cramped habs, surrounded by crowds and cogitators. Crowds do not count as difficult terrain to the people of Prol IX, and they take no penalty to Agility tests when Running or Charging through dense crowds. Hive-bound : Prols never countenance open plains or horizons living as they do in their heated and high walled hives. When outside of an enclosed or artificial environment, Prols suffer a -10 penalty to Survival tests due to their unfamiliarity with the outdoors. Wounds : Characters from this regiment reduce their starting wounds by 1. Starting Kit : 1 anointed electronics toolkit, Calixian infantryman's portable communications transcription device, carapace chestplate, data slate, grapnel & line, grav-chute, las carbine, las pistol with over charge pack, micro-bead, Munitorum Manual, flak helmet, flak coat, respirator, writing kit, two pistol charge packs, and four basic charge packs per Player Character, 2 frag grenades and 2 smoke grenades per Player Character. 2 auspex/scanners per Squad, 2 static generators per Squad, 1 vox-caster per Squad, 1 signal jammer per Squad. Favored Weapons : Las carbine, M41 Multi-laser Special : Scholari Guardsmen suffer a –10 penalty to Command Tests made during combat, either due to they themselves being incompetent or because they are saddled with sullen subordinates who have grown embittered by the poor decisions raining down from the ranks above. Further, members of this regiment must make a Routine Command or Intimidate Test as part of any Comrade Order that does not already require a Command Test; if the character fails the Test, the Comrade refuses the order due to a learned distrust for authority or fouls it up. Starting Player Character rank : Proxy-corporal (i.e. lance corporal)
Please let the Regiment discussion and creation begin. What do people want to invest points in?
Hrm, I was never good at regiment building. I have a bad time trying to decide which kind of purchases would turn out good in the end.

Edited 1394242436
well what kind of army do we want really like a numbers army,drop,etc would be the first step to find out i pursanlly want a almost mounted guerrilla force or some thing hard hiting and fast
Crunchy C. said: Hrm, I was never good at regiment building. I have a bad time trying to decide which kind of purchases would turn out good in the end. Well the way I see it is all investments are worthwhile if you end up enjoying the play style represented by the Regiment. What kind of IG would you like the regiment to be? Draco wants something fast and mobile, which sounds like vehicles or mounts of some kind. What do you think Crunchy?

Edited 1394247871
fast and mobile is just a thing i could see to be useful but maybe some straight up auged infantrymen could be just as good
We could ride giant space rabbits to battle I dunno, my previous only war game involved us being Drop Troops, which I didnt have any opinion on. I dont care for the regiment as much as I do the characters

Edited 1394248767
Ah I ran 11th Hour twice now. Its my only experience with only war. Ran it once with the sample Catchan jungle fighters and again with the Scholari Scriveners (who got their asses handed to them repeatedly). EDIT also which do people prefer 12 points base with an extra point per PC or 10 points base with 2 extra points per PC? EDIT2 Also why I'm setting the game in the Jericho Reach, because as much as I like the Severan Dominate I've never been too thrilled with Eldar and Orks. The Tau and the Chaos Cultists of the Jericho Reach are far more interesting. The Tyranids are just terrifying. Best leave them for the Deathwatch.
depends on how many PCs we get

Edited 1394249145
I expect to get five people. We've got two now, two others have expressed interest and I've invited three others. I don't know about you but I'd like to keep the numbers down to a manageable level on this one. 5-6 players is my upward limit I think.

Edited 1394288327
if we went with plan infantry i suggest 2 Siege Infantry,2 Augmetics,3 Die Hards,2 Choleric,3 Death World, but i havent played a game of only war ever

Edited 1394249228
mrlost said: I expect to get five people. We've got two now, two others have expressed interest and I've invited three others. I don't know about you but I'd like to keep the numbers down to a manageable level on this one. 5-6 players is my upward limit I think. yea same,more people most of the time makes things slow and uninteresting
The regiment colors your choices during character creation. So a regiment of Siege Infantry from a Death World could be pretty cool.

Edited 1394249380
mrlost said: The regiment colors your choices during character creation. So a regiment of Siege Infantry from a Death World could be pretty cool. yea because i like the idea of IG that arnt really squish

Edited 1394294558
Some other questions to answer in the hopes that they inspire... What planet in the Calixis Sector is the regiment from? Consider how the nature of their homeworld reflects the regiments training and style. The easy way would be to pick a planet in the Calixis Sector that already exists... such as the Feudal World of Heterodyne, that is controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus or the devastated hive world of Tranch with its huge mutant population. What does the regiment believe? Most every world in the Imperium pays at least lipservice to the notion that the God Emperor of mankind is in fact divine, although every world has its own interpretation of the God Emperor from Benevolent Sun God, to fearsome super scientist, to terrible Death God. Much of the Calixis sector also pays homage to various patron saints such as Asceline the Pilgrim, Drusus the Warrior, Vidicus the Forlorn, and Yuri the Saint of Voidsmen. What beliefs are held sacred by the regiment? How does the regiment feel about the Ecclesarchy? What is the regiment's name or designation? Every regiment has a unique name some bear fanciful monikers such as the First and Only, or the Death Korps, others have entirely formal designations such as the XLII Ventorii armored auxiliary. If the regiment hails from a death world they might be named after a deadly predator found only on that world, such as the Bloodfall Jabberwocks from the death world of Bloodfall IV in the Hazeroth Abyss. You might also give some thought to the regiments colors or insignia. Who is the regimental commander? What is his or her name? For instance, Colonel Lucien Soulban or Colonel Repentia Primm. What are they like? This is mostly covered by the Commanding Officer quality chosen above but bears mentioning since this is the NPC that is overall responsible for the group and will be regularly dealt with on an almost daily basis. Does he or she go to bat for the rank and file (maybe protecting them from an over zealous Commissar?), is the commander a bit of a inexperienced dreamer or figure head that is being manipulated or handled by his subordinates, is he or she grizzled and jaded or do they believe wholeheartedly in the Margin Crusade? Does the commander have some secret? Is he or she a closeted member of a Death cult or had to disguised themselves as a member of the opposite sex to serve in the Planetary Defense Force before getting chosen to lead the regiment? Do they even know that the Margin Crusade is just propaganda and that they are really fighting in the Achilus Crusade on the other side of the galaxy?

Edited 1394381943
Moronic: Formal:Winter Wolves Siege Regiment Informal: White Wolves Of _________ (not sure of what planet) Motto: If it isn't one of us, Eradicate Battle-cry:"For the pack" emblem: Colors:black and white Since they are possibly from a death world i could see them worshiping a animal spirit and i would think they do not care for the Ecclesarchy also i doubt they care if its a real crusade or not,they love fighting and they see no reason to stop Commander/top rank: the shadow wolf The shadow wolf: male,he would have fought to gain the position as shadow and would have had to counquer the planet to gain control of the tribes there as well to form the regiment these are just brain storms feel free to make your own ideas come to light so i Hope this regiment can destroy and protect
i vote for an elite siege infanty force that is not only good at defence but taking on others defences
Titan Legion and Forge World all the way.
Well a Titan is good at taking on others defenses.
RedFox said: Titan Legion and Forge World all the way. ii just don't see a titan legion to work well

Edited 1394381882
Draco said: ii just don't see a titan legion to work well Why not? A Titan can stop on stuff AND has all the logistical problems of tanks. What's the problem? Are you saying that they aren't fast enough for you? It would let the Operator characters call themselves Princeps, Heavy Gunners and stuff could be Moderati, and Stormtroopers could be Skitarii/Tech Guard.

Edited 1394381899
mrlost said: Draco said: ii just don't see a titan legion to work well Why not? A Titan can stop on stuff AND has all the logistical problems of tanks. What's the problem? Are you saying that they aren't fast enough for you yea and they are not as strategic its just spray and level a battle field which also might have valuable equipment

Edited 1394383190
Oh yeah I can see that being an interesting complication in some missions. High priority targets that are not to be annihilated but need to be captured all the same. Also it might be a good idea to further the discussion by spelling out our disagreements in more detail. Is there some way the two of you could compromise?
mrlost said: Oh yeah I can see that being an interesting complication in some missions. High priority targets that are not to be annihilated but need to be captured all the same. Also it might be a good idea to further the discussion by spelling out our disagreements in more detail. true

Edited 1394382498
but i could see a knight (class titan) legion instead of massive titans in our siege legion because there basically bipedal tanks

Edited 1394384238
Draco said: but i could see a knight (class titan) legion instead of massive titans in our siege legion because there basically bipedal tanks I'm less thrilled with that option because the points required to give every member of the squad there own personal Titan would be rather high. I'd have to run the numbers but I'd guess upwards of 18 regiment points. That's a lot of points to spend on one quality IMO. Also there is already a lot of examples of tank regiments, a Titan regiment isn't that different. Knight class Titans are basically big suits of power armor so we're going into Space Marine territory which is something I'd also like to avoid. Although if you did go with the Knight route, you'd also need to take the High Born origin because Knights are always piloted by nobility even if they are usually from Feudal worlds. The Heterodyne system would be perfect for that actually the more I think about it. I guess if I let you take a second drawback you'd have barely enough points to make it work. Cool idea, Draco! What do other people think? Don't be afraid to out vote me, I'm just the referee here.
i really dont want to just be a bunch of people in a titan or a bunch of people in mini titans im all for a tank regiment or at the biggest a baneblade regiment but titans just feel to..big i guess i admitadly dont know much about the knight titans but for us to effectivly pilot a titan wed basicly be playing rouge trader on the ground
mrlost said: Draco said: but i could see a knight (class titan) legion instead of massive titans in our siege legion because there basically bipedal tanks I'm less thrilled with that option because the points required to give every member of the squad there own personal Titan would be rather high. I'd have to run the numbers but I'd guess upwards of 18 regiment points. That's a lot of points to spend on one quality IMO. Also there is already a lot of examples of tank regiments, a Titan regiment isn't that different. Knight class Titans are basically big suits of power armor so we're going into Space Marine territory which is something I'd also like to avoid. Although if you did go with the Knight route, you'd also need to take the High Born origin because Knights are always piloted by nobility even if they are usually from Feudal worlds. The Heterodyne system would be perfect for that actually the more I think about it. I guess if I let you take a second drawback you'd have barely enough points to make it work. Cool idea, Draco! What do other people think? Don't be afraid to out vote me, I'm just the referee here. i was thinking the people in the group that want to be pilots could use a knight class then all of use and titans are hard to replace so i was thinking like 2-3 knights insted of 5
Sebastian R. said: i really dont want to just be a bunch of people in a titan or a bunch of people in mini titans im all for a tank regiment or at the biggest a baneblade regiment but titans just feel to..big i guess i admitadly dont know much about the knight titans but for us to effectivly pilot a titan wed basicly be playing rouge trader on the ground knight class titans are one man titans and are more like power armor then anything else but i agree i would like a tank/footmen regiment

Edited 1394385413
after reading a bit more on the knights suits they acually look like alotta fun but id still either prefer something where we have to work as a team or a mixed regiment
What would you suggest Sebastian? Operating any vehicle requires team work but I sense that not the sort of team work you mean? Am I wrong?
i mean a vehcle with mutiple pcs working together instead of a single pc and there companion
Well with the Titan example (which nobody likes except the guy who posted but he's not defending it so just call me the advocātus diabolus) you've got an operator piloting it, one or more heavy gunners firing the weapons, and an engineseer assisting with both activities. Plus if the Titan gets boarded you need to repel the boarders (which may be a little too much like Rogue Trader for you but *shrug*). All that also applies to a Leman Russ except maybe the repelling borders part.
a titan has hundreds of people piloting it and making sure it works they have huge crews it would basicly have to be the pcs leading all these people to do there jobs hense the coparison to rouge trader while lets say a leman russ has about 4-5 people in it a baneblade like 8-11(im not sure on the baneblade)

Edited 1394391915
I think you think Titans are a bit bigger than they are. This is the official FFG write up for a Warhound Titan. Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 16m Cruising Speed: 58kph Maneuverability: +0 Structural Integrity: 90 Size: Massive Armour: Front 50, Side 45, Rear 45 Carrying Capacity: None Crew: Princeps, 2 Moderati, 1 Tech-priest, 6 monotask servitors In battle, it got four people crewing it, plus some servitors. Sure between battles they're probably hundreds of tech priests doing maintenance and reciting hymnals but that's true of all Imperium technology. I don't see how four people is too many crew for a vehicle. Now maybe we all need to define our terms, sure it probably takes a dozen people to man an Emperor class Imperator Titan but that is not what the Titan legion option is for, it specifically lists Warhounds i.e. scout Titan. They're tall bipedal mecha. Honestly I don't know why they are aren't quadrupedal mecha with a name like Warhound but that's neither here nor there. In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to making it a variant available to group if you guys decide to go that route. EDIT and I just looked up a Baneblade in Only War and not including the servitors that load the guns, its got 5 gunners, 1 driver, 1 commander and it says it sometimes has a dedicated comms operator and enginseer, I'm not sure if that supposed to be handled by one crewman or two. But 7-9 people plus multiple servitors to reload all the cannons and bolters. Also it lists the baneblade as being "monumental" with is bigger than the "massive" Titan.
I'd rather be the crew on a warhound Titan than have everyone riding around in Knight-class ones, which would be a little silly... not to mention expensive. Barring the ability to crew a Titan, which I think would be a lot of fun... basically like a tank crew, only you've got this big nigh-living mecha thing. Barring that, I'd like to play skitarii or something. All 'borged out. All hail the Omnissiah.

Edited 1394409809
RedFox said: I'd rather be the crew on a warhound Titan than have everyone riding around in Knight-class ones, which would be a little silly... not to mention expensive. Barring the ability to crew a Titan, which I think would be a lot of fun... basically like a tank crew, only you've got this big nigh-living mecha thing. Barring that, I'd like to play skitarii or something. All 'borged out. All hail the Omnissiah. yea i kind want to be foot men but i could see a titan being fun and yes skitarii All hail the Omnissiah.
mrlost said: I think you think Titans are a bit bigger than they are. This is the official FFG write up for a Warhound Titan. Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 16m Cruising Speed: 58kph Maneuverability: +0 Structural Integrity: 90 Size: Massive Armour: Front 50, Side 45, Rear 45 Carrying Capacity: None Crew: Princeps, 2 Moderati, 1 Tech-priest, 6 monotask servitors In battle, it got four people crewing it, plus some servitors. Sure between battles they're probably hundreds of tech priests doing maintenance and reciting hymnals but that's true of all Imperium technology. I don't see how four people is too many crew for a vehicle. Now maybe we all need to define our terms, sure it probably takes a dozen people to man an Emperor class Imperator Titan but that is not what the Titan legion option is for, it specifically lists Warhounds i.e. scout Titan. They're tall bipedal mecha. Honestly I don't know why they are aren't quadrupedal mecha with a name like Warhound but that's neither here nor there. In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to making it a variant available to group if you guys decide to go that route. EDIT and I just looked up a Baneblade in Only War and not including the servitors that load the guns, its got 5 gunners, 1 driver, 1 commander and it says it sometimes has a dedicated comms operator and enginseer, I'm not sure if that supposed to be handled by one crewman or two. But 7-9 people plus multiple servitors to reload all the cannons and bolters. Also it lists the baneblade as being "monumental" with is bigger than the "massive" Titan. a warhound is the smallest class of titan isnt the next size up more than double its size and i was speaking of the larger titans
same like a imparato class

Edited 1394424687
Sebastian R. said: mrlost said: I think you think Titans are a bit bigger than they are. This is the official FFG write up for a Warhound Titan. Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 16m Cruising Speed: 58kph Maneuverability: +0 Structural Integrity: 90 Size: Massive Armour: Front 50, Side 45, Rear 45 Carrying Capacity: None Crew: Princeps, 2 Moderati, 1 Tech-priest, 6 monotask servitors In battle, it got four people crewing it, plus some servitors. Sure between battles they're probably hundreds of tech priests doing maintenance and reciting hymnals but that's true of all Imperium technology. I don't see how four people is too many crew for a vehicle. Now maybe we all need to define our terms, sure it probably takes a dozen people to man an Emperor class Imperator Titan but that is not what the Titan legion option is for, it specifically lists Warhounds i.e. scout Titan. They're tall bipedal mecha. Honestly I don't know why they are aren't quadrupedal mecha with a name like Warhound but that's neither here nor there. In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to making it a variant available to group if you guys decide to go that route. EDIT and I just looked up a Baneblade in Only War and not including the servitors that load the guns, its got 5 gunners, 1 driver, 1 commander and it says it sometimes has a dedicated comms operator and enginseer, I'm not sure if that supposed to be handled by one crewman or two. But 7-9 people plus multiple servitors to reload all the cannons and bolters. Also it lists the baneblade as being "monumental" with is bigger than the "massive" Titan. a warhound is the smallest class of titan isnt the next size up more than double its size and i was speaking of the larger titans Well that's nice but the Titan Legion quality only gives you a Warhound so your point is moot. Also FFG hasn't statted up any of the other Titans.

Edited 1394425092
ok so a titan/siege legion so we can spec were we want
mrlost said: Sebastian R. said: mrlost said: I think you think Titans are a bit bigger than they are. This is the official FFG write up for a Warhound Titan. Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 16m Cruising Speed: 58kph Maneuverability: +0 Structural Integrity: 90 Size: Massive Armour: Front 50, Side 45, Rear 45 Carrying Capacity: None Crew: Princeps, 2 Moderati, 1 Tech-priest, 6 monotask servitors In battle, it got four people crewing it, plus some servitors. Sure between battles they're probably hundreds of tech priests doing maintenance and reciting hymnals but that's true of all Imperium technology. I don't see how four people is too many crew for a vehicle. Now maybe we all need to define our terms, sure it probably takes a dozen people to man an Emperor class Imperator Titan but that is not what the Titan legion option is for, it specifically lists Warhounds i.e. scout Titan. They're tall bipedal mecha. Honestly I don't know why they are aren't quadrupedal mecha with a name like Warhound but that's neither here nor there. In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to making it a variant available to group if you guys decide to go that route. EDIT and I just looked up a Baneblade in Only War and not including the servitors that load the guns, its got 5 gunners, 1 driver, 1 commander and it says it sometimes has a dedicated comms operator and enginseer, I'm not sure if that supposed to be handled by one crewman or two. But 7-9 people plus multiple servitors to reload all the cannons and bolters. Also it lists the baneblade as being "monumental" with is bigger than the "massive" Titan. a warhound is the smallest class of titan isnt the next size up more than double its size and i was speaking of the larger titans Well that's nice but the Titan Legion quality only gives you a Warhound so your point is moot. Also FFG hasn't statted up any of the other Titans. wait since when is there an official titan legion wich book is this or wherever its from
are titans legions even in a book

Edited 1394429719
Warhound titans are written up in one of the Deathwatch books (Rite of Battle, which I actually have) and I added the last two entries on the Regiment type list myself, since there are stats for both Warhound Titans and Baneblades but no official way to get one in Only War. You could requisition one in Deathwatch though, not that you ever would because you can't actually operate the darn things in a Deathwatch game so its a matter of watching while the NPCs stomp on stuff. Man am I the only one that was disappointed by Deathwatch? I bought the core book, the Jericho Reach, and the Rites of Battle and the fluff was awesome but the game... not as much.
Another regiment I wrote up based on the Crimson Guard of the Lathe Worlds, again not suggesting you play with this regiment either but just an example of what you can do with the Regiment creation system. Created in the wake of the War of Brass that devastated the Skitarii Legions of the Calixis Sector, the Legio Venatorii is composed large legions of augmented infantrymen, and Leman Russ Hesh-pattern vanquisher tanks. The XLII Crimson Cataphractii were founded on the Lathe World of Hesh, from a small sample of the tank legions built to reinforce the dwindling Titan Legio Venator to meet the tithe requirements of the Departamento Munitorum. The Cataphractii are led by Celerius Tribuni (i.e. Colonel) Numidia, a cautious commander that consults datacrypts and machine spirits before each and every decision. Very few of the Legio Venatorii volunteered to meet the tithe required of the Lathe Worlds, thus the XLII was founded from a far smaller pool of soldiers than conventional non-augmented Imperial Guard regiments. All guardsmen of the Cataphractii possess either a bionic arm with integrated lasgun, or a mind impulse unit depending on their assigned role in the squad. Leman Russ as driver/operators usually have a good quality mind impulse unit, and they style themselves a Venatorii Princeps, after the lost Titan legion pilots that the Titan Legio once had. Characters belonging to the XLII Crimson Cataphractii gain the following advantages: Characteristic Modifiers: -3 Ballistics Skill, +6 Intelligence, +3 Toughness Starting Skills: Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus, Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic, Techna Lingua), Logic, Operate (surface) Starting Talents: Foresight, Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus), Tank Hunter, Technical Knock and Weapons Tech Isolated by Machines: -10 penalty to Interaction tests with non-Forge Worlders/non-Tech Priests. Wounds: Characters from this regiment reduce their starting wounds by 1. Starting Kit: Every player character in the squad gains an anointed maintenance kit, red Mechanicus robes, a Mechanicus devotional icon, crimson Imperial Guard flak armor, photo-visor skull mask, venator blade, respiratory filter implant, and either a best craftmanship bionic arm with integrated lasgun (+10 to Strength characteristic) OR a good quality mind impulse unit. Each squad is assigned a Leman Russ battle tank, and a Monotask utility Servo-Skull. Each Venator also receives one dark red and black uniform, one feathered cap, one set of poor weather gear, one utility belt, one mess kit, one las pistol, two pistol charge packs, one water canteen, one blanket, one sleep bag, one rechargeable lamp pack, one grooming kit, one implanted cognomen tag, and two weeks corpse starch rations. Favored Weapons: Hesh-pattern M38 MkII Bolt Pistol, Missile Launcher Special: Squaddies gain a +10 to Logistics tests to acquire cybernetic implants and bionic replacements, they add to the Penetration of their ranged weapons equal to the degrees of success on their attack roll against vehicles. When a Squad from this regiment requests reinforcements (to replace fallen Comrades), it must make a Hard Logistics Test or there is simply nobody left in reserve. Total Cost 16
oh yah are we allowed to make pistols and melee weapons a regimental favored i usually do but its not in the rules