I would like some clarification on the...differences in how sheets are to be submitted. I am not a Github guru, and my initial entrance to that service was fraught with mistakes, errors and headaches for multiple people. Eventually, I got my end figured out, in part, I suspect, to allowances made by the devs for my lack of knowledge. Previously, I could submit multiple revisions to sheets in one week (period of time betwwen the devs getting behind the big red push button). In addition, I could modify the css and html through the website and submit a pull request for the css and html separately. Recently (past month? Year? I took a vacation from Roll20) it appears the folks behind the curtain changed, and with them the standards for submission. Now I am running into problems and hiccups in submitting sheets and I want to smooth things out for everyone. This being the nature of having humans involved in any process, I'm not complaining. My question is what is the best method to submit sheets? How many sheets are you willing to take in one pull request? How many sheets changed in one week? Do I restrict my submissions to the Github for Windows software, or is the website entrance still allowed? And if multiple sheets are not allowed in a single pull request, does anyone know how to get the Github for Windows thingy not to add my next submission to the pull request I already submitted?