Hello everyone.&nbsp; I will be running a series of one-shots starting this Friday.&nbsp; The purpose of these one-shots is to give people a chance to try out D&amp;D4e in a neutral setting.&nbsp; Each pregenerated character comes with an explanation of the abilities and powers of that character in 5e D&amp;D terms.&nbsp; No exp is needed.&nbsp; In order to join simply follow the link below and respond on the interested players thread with your preferred choice of adventure.&nbsp; If you are unable to make the game this Friday at 6PM PST / 9PM EST but are still interested in giving 4E a try, respond to the same thread with the days/times you have free and I will attempt to be accommodating when I schedule future one shots. Thanks, happy gaming Game Link:&nbsp;<a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/146417/tales-of-the-bold-spider" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/146417/tales-of-the-bold-spider</a>