First off, if you want to get in a game next week then this isn't for you. I'm not going to be starting for around a month and a half. Second, if 10 AM - 4 PM PST on Saturday doesn't work for you, then this isn't for you. If you've gotten this far then the time works for you, and you're a patient person. That's good. Now, for more about the campaign. I'm going to be running a 5 person campaign set in a homebrew setting (it's mainly your traditional D&D world in terms of magic and what not). The campaign will be starting at level 1 and ideally going all the way to 30. There is a heavy emphasis on both roleplaying and combat, so if you're new then this isn't for you. You must: Be mature Have a working microphone Show up consistently Be an experienced 4e player If you think you're interested, or have any questions, contact me on Skype at jwbthemusicfreak, post, or PM me. I would prefer skype, though. All roles except leader are open. I hope this isn't coming off as rude or unfriendly, because that's not how I am.