So i was thinking, alot of these smaller purchases really add up, it might be nice to allow a subscription to certain artists for access to their content instead of small transactions. Or access to a bigger library with a higher sub. Gift cards: The addition of being able to get things for people on the shop is nice, when i run games i usually ask for donations that are optional. It would be nice to just gift store credit to put towards purchases such as the new monster manual. Finally, the price tag on the wotc stuff released, its way too high. 50 bucks for monster manual, 50 bucks for vollos guide, thats easily a hundred dollars for a digital product that is a pain in the ass to transfer to a hard table. I'd love to buy it but i cant justify dropping 50 bucks on two digital books for roll20 and still pay for the hard copies for playing in person. One of those two is gonna win out. Maybe steam style sales even? Between 10-30 bucks depending on the size of the content seems much more appropriate