Hi I have tried to add a token macro for smite, and eveerything works except for one thing, I can't make it use the spell-slot from the sheet, I know it requires API, and I have companion installed in the game, and it works when I cast spells from the sheet, or also use attacks with bow and so. But I really would love to be able to let it subtract spell slots as the paladin smites too. I am using the 5e sheet from roll20, and this is my macro so far. &{template:atkdmg} {{mod=mod}} {{rname=Divine Smite}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[([[{(?{Spell Slot Level|1|2|3|4|5}+?{Smite fiend or undead?|N,1[non-fiend]|Y,2[***fiend or undead***]}),6}kl1]])d8]] }} {{dmg1type=radiant}} {{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=[[([[{(?{Spell Slot Level|1|2|3|4|5}+?{Smite fiend or undead?|N,1[non-fiend]|Y,2[***fiend or undead***]}),6}kl1]])d8]] }} {{dmg2type=radiant if CRIT}} {{desc=**@{selected|character_name}** ***Smiting*** the **@{target|token_name}** with a level **?{Spell Slot Level|1}** spell slot!}} Hope that someone can help me out. Kim