Hi everyone Well I've tried to make a macro for a character... combining an attack with the option to choose great weapon master feat and using the fact, that he has great weapon fighting style. &{template:atkdmg} {{mod= 16 }} {{rname=Darkblade}}
{{r1=[[1d20cs>20 +[[ @{strength_mod}[STR]+@{pb}[Prof]+3[magic]-?{Use
Great Weapon Master?|Yes,5|No,0}[Misc]]] ]]}} {{always=1}}
{{r2=[[1d20cs>20 +[[ @{strength_mod}[STR]+@{pb}[Prof]+3[magic]-?{Use
Great Weapon Master?|Yes,5|No,0}[Misc]]] ]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=5
ft.}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[2d8ro<2
+@{strength_mod}+3]] }} {{dmg1type=slashing}} {{crit1=[[2d8ro<2]]}}
{{dmg2flag=1}} {{dmg2=[[2d6ro<2 ]] }}
{{desc=**@{selected|character_name}** ***attacking***
**@{target|token_name}** with his dark greatsword}} but if he is unlucky to roll very low, like a 1 and 2 on initial damage, it reroll only one of them, and I though that 2d8ro<2 would control both dice individually and then reroll, either 1 or 2 dice once. But so far it is only maximum 3 dices per damage roll Another thing, I'm not sure if it is possible, but I have a macro to alter the toggle bar between advanvtage, disadvantage and so. So the optimum would be, that the number of attack rolls will depend whether that toggle bar is set to, so a normal would only 1 attack roll, and so on. Also I'm not completely sure, if the critical is correct, am still pretty new to creating macros in roll20. I am using the d&d 5e by roll 20 sheet template. Hope that someone can help Kim