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Chat Log is Backwards

At least, mine is. The first words typed are at the bottom of the log rather than the top. If this is intentional, I suggest adding a feature to reverse the log so that it is readable from top to bottom.
Uh... just one question. Why would you want to read it backwards?
I'm not sure anyone wants to read it backwards, yet it is backwards (upside-down actually). Hence the bug report.
Sheet Author
I was actually going to do a huge post with transcript suggestions but this was my biggest problem with the system as it is now.
maybe we need some clarification on what is meant by backwards. But first, I'll explain how all chat windows on the planet work (not to be mean, but to set a common understanding): Chat windows work to be read from top to bottom. The oldest or first statements appear at the top, followed by subsequent messages. So when you answer my message, with "I agree" it should appear at the bottom of the window, AFTER my message. Just like this forum actually. This should result in a log that reads like a story or any other text. Now that I've explained what some might consider blatantly obvious, is the OP asking that the next message she sends appear at the TOP of the log? If yes, that's crazy talk. That would be like reading this thread from the bottom up, which would make people's statements make no sense because you are reading responses before you've read the instigating statement. Or is the OP saying that if they type a multi-line message, the actual message is reversed in order (highly improbable given what I know as a developer about how strings are handled and rendered).
Yeah this is going to need a screenshot. Along with what locale you're running Windows in and the browser version.
This got posted in Suggestions even though I intended it to be in Bugs; oops. Apparently I do need a screenshot, since I'm talking about the chat logs, not the chat window. I suppose it being in Suggestions makes it sound much stranger than it should be. Anyhow, I am using Firefox 12 in the US where top to bottom, left to right is the correct way to display English. In order to reproduce, one must be in the chat logs, so hit "View all chat entries for this campaign" to open it up. It will open in a new tab. If it looks the way mine does, you will see the last entry in chat at the *top* of the page rather than the bottom. This makes the chat log very, very hard to read. I've attached a screenshot. That message from me at the top? That was typed into the chat window the day after the player tried out the dice rolling, and the dice rolling occurred after he said "Hi". See? It's in the entirely wrong direction. I believe this is a bug, but if it isn't, I'd sure like an option to display it last message at the bottom so it will be readable. So what I am asking for is the next message I send to appear at the BOTTOM of the log, or an option to switch the order, if having the chat logs display this way is intentional for some reason. ETA: The chat window behaving as it should, so we are all perfectly crystal clear that I am not a very, very weird person who wants this upside down:
Roll20 Team
P A thanks for the screen shoots. And don't worry I will add this to the bug report.
Yeah, this is true of the game I played yesterday. The chat log seems almost nonsensical - overall it is backwards but there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to the groupings of text... All the emotes seem to be in the right place (albeit backwards) but responses are all out of whack.