I'm trying to show players the bar1/bar1|max values (for all three bars) through a macro, instead of making the bars visible. (I don't like the clutter of three bars on the display, especially with text overlay.) This works for bar1, bar2, bar3: /w @{selected|player_name} *Target @{target|token_name}* Parry @{target|bar1}, Toughness @{target|bar2}, Wounds @{target|bar3} But this prompts the user three times to click on the target: /w @{selected|player_name} *Target @{target|token_name}* Parry @{target|bar1} AP(@{target|bar1|max}), Toughness @{target|bar2} (@{target|bar2|max}), Wounds @{target|bar3} (To Rebecca B.): Target Ugak P arry 5 AP(), Toughness 7 (), Wounds 0 Nevermind that AP doesn't make sense with Parry here. I was distracted.