Greetings! Are you new to D&D? New to Roll20? Join us! We have 3 players that are all new(er) to the game and are looking for 1 more to get started! We will be running the Sunless Citadel adventure and will be playing on Wednesdays @ 8pm CDT. Sessions will last around 4 hours and I expect this game to last 2-4 sessions. Our first session will be on 5/22 and will consist of character building and roll20 usage tips (for those that are new to roll20). We will be using Discord for voice - no video. I am an experienced DM and really enjoy introducing the game to new players. I would really prefer to have someone that is new to D&D. 2 of our 3 current players have never played D&D before and have never used roll20 so this game will be curved towards teaching beginners the ropes. Let me know if you are interested or have any questions! Thanks!