The ability to have fine control over objects on the desktop is really terrible, as it stands. It makes it a tremendous pain to try to arrange maps carefully and in a detailed way, such as making floor tiles align or making small objects sit just where you want them. I would desperately like two see two features to make this easier: Please, please let us move selected tiles, objects, or tokens a single pixel at a time when the grid is turned off. This would work exactly the same way as moving a token one square to another, only when the grid was turned off we could move one pixel at a time. Allow holding down Shift (or similar) to lock moving a tile/token/etc. along a single axis. This way, we could easily move something, say, side to side without having it wobble up or down when we want to keep things in a straight line. As an aside, it would also be really nice if "Ctrl+Z" wouldn't randomly stop working for no apparent reason, but--I'd be overjoyed to have these features added!