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Lazy loot script help


Edited 1563377424
&nbsp;I was wondering if anyone could help me modify Robbins lazy loot script to work when a character is controlled by more than one player. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated I can compensate you for your time if needed.&nbsp; /* * Version 0.1.2 * Made By Robin Kuiper * Skype: * Discord: Atheos#1095 * Roll20: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * Github: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * Reddit: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * Patreon: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> */ var LazyLoot = LazyLoot || (function() { 'use strict'; // Styling for the chat responses. const styles = { reset: 'padding: 0; margin: 0;', menu: 'background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px;', button: 'background-color: #000; border: 1px solid #292929; border-radius: 3px; padding: 5px; color: #fff; text-align: center;', textButton: 'background-color: transparent; border: none; padding: 0; color: #000; text-decoration: underline', list: 'list-style: none;', float: { right: 'float: right;', left: 'float: left;' }, overflow: 'overflow: hidden;', fullWidth: 'width: 100%;', underline: 'text-decoration: underline;', strikethrough: 'text-decoration: strikethrough' }, script_name = 'LazyLoot', state_name = 'LAZYLOOT', handleInput = (msg) =&gt; { if (msg.type != 'api') return; let config = state[state_name].config; // Split the message into command and argument(s) let args = msg.content.split(' '); let command = args.shift().substring(1); let extracommand = args.shift(); if (command == config.command) { if(!playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){ // Player Commands switch(extracommand){ case 'take': let playerid = msg.playerid, sender = msg.who, lootid = args.shift(), itemid = args.shift(), amount = parseInt(args.shift()) || 1, loot = get.loot_table(lootid), taken = false; if(!loot || !loot.given){ message.error('No loot for you!', sender); return; } let item = loot.items[itemid]; if(!item){ message.error('Item not found.', sender); return; } if(item.taken){ message.error('Item is already taken by someone else.', sender); return; } if(item.quantity &gt; 1){ amount = (amount) ? (amount &lt;= item.quantity) ? amount : item.quantity : amount - 1; if(item.quantity &lt;= 0){ taken = true; } }else{ taken = true; } if(config.auto_inv){ let characterid = args.shift(), character = getObj('character', characterid) if(!characterid){ let characters = findObjs({ type: 'character', controlledby: playerid }); if(characters.length &gt; 1){ let contents = '&lt;p&gt;To which character do you want to add the item: "&lt;b&gt;''&lt;/b&gt;":&lt;/p&gt;'; characters.forEach(character =&gt; { contents += make.button(character.get('name'), '!' + config.command + ' take ' + lootid + ' ' + itemid + ' ' + amount + ' ' + character.get('id')) + '&lt;br&gt;'; });, '', sender); return; }else if(characters.length === 1){ characterid = characters[0].get('id'); }else{ message.error('You don\'t have any characters.', sender); return; } } if(character){ addItemToInventory(item, character, amount); message.success( + ' added to ' + character.get('name') + '\'s inventory.', sender); }else{ message.error('Couldn\'t find character', sender); return; } } if(config.save_treasure_handout){ let player = getObj('player', playerid); addItemToHandout(item, player, amount); message.success( + ' added to your treasure handout.', sender); } item.quantity -= amount; item.taken = taken; giveToPlayers(lootid); break; default: break; } }else{ // GM Commands switch(extracommand){ case 'reset': if(args.shift().toLowerCase() !== 'yes') return; state[state_name] = {}; setDefaults(true); config_menus.main(); break; case 'import': let type = args.shift(); let json = msg.content.substring(('!'+config.command+' import ' + type + ' ').length); jsonImport(type, json); config_menus.main(); break; case 'export': jsonExport(args.shift()); break; case 'config': let menu = 'main'; if(args[0] &amp;&amp; !args[0].includes('|')){ menu = args.shift(); } if(args.length &gt; 0){ let setting = args.shift().split('|'); let key = setting.shift(); let value = (setting[0] === 'true') ? true : (setting[0] === 'false') ? false : setting[0]; config[key] = value; } config_menus[menu](); break; case 'loot_table': let l_id = args.shift(); if(l_id === 'new'){ let name = args.shift(); if(!name || name === ''){ message.error('No name was given.'); return; } create.loot_table(name); }else{ let DO = args.shift(); switch(DO){ case 'remove': remove.loot_table(l_id); menus.main(); return; break; case 'give': giveToPlayers(l_id); return; break; case 'item': let i_id = args.shift(); if(i_id === 'new'){ let item_name = args.shift().replace('_', ' '), quantity = parseInt(args.shift()) || 1, weight = parseInt(args.shift()) || 0, description = args.join(' ') || ''; if(!item_name || item_name === ''){ message.error('No item name was given.'); return; } create.item(l_id, item_name, quantity, weight, description); } let DO_ITEM = args.shift(); switch(DO_ITEM){ case 'remove': remove.item(l_id, i_id); break; } break; } menus.loot_table(l_id); return; } menus.main(); break; default: let page = parseInt(extracommand, 10); menus.main((!page) ? 1 : page); break; } } } }, giveToPlayers = (l_id) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command, loot = get.loot_table(l_id); state[state_name].loot[l_id].given = true; let itemListItems = []; if(loot.items.length){ loot.items.forEach((item, i_id) =&gt; { let quantity = ''; if(item.quantity &gt; 1){ quantity = '?{How many?'; for(var i = 1; i &lt;= item.quantity; i++){ quantity += '|'+i; } quantity += '}'; } let button = (item.taken) ? '&lt;b style="'+styles.float.right+'"&gt;Taken&lt;/b&gt;' : make.button('Take', command + ' take ' + l_id + ' ' + i_id + ' ' + quantity, styles.button + styles.float.right); let name = (item.quantity &gt; 1) ? item.quantity + 'x ' + :; itemListItems.push(name + button); }); }else{ itemListItems.push('No treasure found.'); } let contents = ''; contents += make.list(itemListItems);, 'Treasure', ''); }, addItemToInventory = (item, character, quantity) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config; let row = generateRowID(); let attributes = {}; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name] =; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_equipped"] = '0'; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity] = quantity; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight] = item.weight; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description] = replaceChars(item.description); setAttrs(character.get('id'), attributes); }, addItemToHandout = (item, player, quantity=1) =&gt; { let handout = getOrCreateHandout(player); handout.get('notes', (notes) =&gt; { notes = (notes === "null") ? '' : notes; let re = new RegExp('[0-9]x ' +, 'gm'); if(notes.match(re)){ quantity += parseInt(notes.match(re)[0].split(' ')[0]); notes = notes.replace(re, quantity + 'x ' +; }else{ notes += '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;' + quantity + 'x ' + + '&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;(Weight: ' + item.weight + ', Description: ' + item.description + ')&lt;/i&gt;'; } setTimeout(() =&gt; { handout.set('notes',notes); },0); }); }, getOrCreateHandout = (player) =&gt; { let handout_name = player.get('displayname') + ' - Treasure'; let handout = findObjs({ type: 'handout', name: handout_name }); let inplayerjournals = player.get('id'); let controlledby = player.get('id'); return (handout &amp;&amp; handout[0]) ? handout[0] : createObj("handout", { name: handout_name, inplayerjournals, controlledby }); }, get = { loot_table: (l_id) =&gt; state[state_name].loot[l_id], }, create = { loot_table: (name) =&gt; state[state_name].loot.push({ name, given: false, items: [] }), item: (l_id, name, quantity=1, weight=0, description) =&gt; state[state_name].loot[l_id].items.push({ name, taken: false, quantity, weight, description }), }, remove = { loot_table: (l_id) =&gt; state[state_name].loot.splice(l_id, 1), item: (l_id, i_id) =&gt; state[state_name].loot[l_id].items.splice(i_id, 1), }, menus = { main: (page=1) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command, loot = state[state_name].loot; let buttons = { new: make.button('New Loot Table', command + ' loot_table new ?{Name}', styles.button), next: make.button('&gt;', command + ' ' + parseInt(page+1), styles.button + styles.float.right), prev: make.button('&lt;', command + ' ' + parseInt(page-1), styles.button + styles.float.left), } let lootListItems = []; if(loot.length){ let start = (page-1)*10; let end = (page*10 &gt;= loot.length-1) ? loot.length-1 : page*10-1; if(start &gt; end){ lootListItems.push('No more loot tables.'); } for(var i = start; i &lt;= end; i++){ let title = (loot[i].given) ? '&lt;span style="text-decoration: line-through;"&gt;'+loot[i].name+'&lt;/span&gt;' : loot[i].name; let itemButton = make.button(title, command + ' loot_table ' + i, styles.textButton + styles.float.left); let giveButton = (loot[i].items.length &amp;&amp; !loot[i].given) ? make.button('G', command + ' loot_table ' + i + ' give', styles.button + styles.float.right) : ''; lootListItems.push(itemButton + giveButton); } }else{ lootListItems.push('No loot tables found.'); } let next = (loot.length &gt; page*10); let prev = (page &gt; 1); let contents = ''; contents += make.list(lootListItems); if(prev || next){ contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += '&lt;div style="'+styles.overflow+'"&gt;'; contents += (prev) ? buttons.prev : ''; contents += (next) ? : ''; contents += '&lt;/div&gt;'; } contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents +=;, script_name + ' Menu', 'gm'); }, loot_table: (l_id) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command, loot = get.loot_table(l_id); let buttons = { add: make.button('Add Item', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' item new ?{Item Name (replace spaces with _)} ?{Quantity} ?{Weight} ?{Description}', styles.button), give: make.button('Give Treasure', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' give', styles.button + styles.fullWidth + ' background-color: green;'), remove: make.button('Remove', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' remove', styles.button + styles.fullWidth + ' background-color: red;'), back: make.button('&lt; Back', command, styles.button + styles.fullWidth), } let itemListItems = []; if(loot.items.length){ loot.items.forEach((item, i_id) =&gt; { itemListItems.push('&lt;span style="'+styles.float.left+'"&gt;''&lt;div style="font-size: 8pt;"&gt;&lt;i&gt;Q: '+item.quantity+' | W: '+item.weight+' | D: '+handleLongString(item.description, 10, '..')+'&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/span&gt;' + make.button('&lt;img src="<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" /&gt;', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' item ' + i_id + ' remove', styles.button + styles.float.right + 'width: 16px; height: 16px;')); }); }else{ itemListItems.push('No items added yet.'); } let contents = ''; contents += make.list(itemListItems); contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.add; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += (loot.given) ? '&lt;p style="font-weight: 900; font-size: 9pt;"&gt;You have already given this treasure before. Some items may be taken.&lt;/p&gt;' : ''; contents += (loot.items.length) ? buttons.give : ''; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.back; contents += buttons.remove;, script_name + ' - ' +, 'gm'); } }, config_menus = { main: (first, message) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command; let buttons = { command: make.button('!'+config.command, command + ' config command|?{Command (without !)}', styles.button + styles.float.right), auto_inv: make.button(config.auto_inv, command + ' config auto_inv|'+!config.auto_inv, styles.button + styles.float.right), save_treasure_handout: make.button(config.save_treasure_handout, command + ' config save_treasure_handout|'+!config.save_treasure_handout, styles.button + styles.float.right), lootMenu: make.button('Loot Menu', command, styles.button), sheetMenu: make.button('Sheet Config', command + ' config sheet', styles.button), reset: make.button('Reset Config', command + ' reset ?{Are you sure? Type Yes}', styles.button + styles.fullWidth + ' background-color: red;'), importConfig: make.button('Import Config', command + ' import config ?{JSON}', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), exportConfig: make.button('Export Config', command + ' export config', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), importLoot: make.button('Import Loot', command + ' import loot ?{JSON}', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), exportLoot: make.button('Export Loot', command + ' export loot', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), } let configListItems = []; configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Command', buttons.command)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Auto Inventory', buttons.auto_inv)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Save Handout', buttons.save_treasure_handout)); let importListItems = [ buttons.exportLoot, buttons.importLoot, buttons.exportConfig, buttons.importConfig, buttons.reset ] let title = (first) ? script_name + ' First Time Setup' : script_name + ' Config'; let contents = (message) ? '&lt;p&gt;'+message+'&lt;/p&gt;' : ''; contents += make.list(configListItems); contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.lootMenu + '&lt;br&gt;'; contents += (config.auto_inv) ? buttons.sheetMenu + '&lt;br&gt;' : ''; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += '&lt;p style="font-size: 80%"&gt;You can always come back to this config by typing `!'+config.command+' config`.&lt;/p&gt;'; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += make.list(importListItems, styles.reset + styles.list + styles.overflow + ' margin-right: -5px');, title, 'gm'); }, sheet: () =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command; let buttons = { repeating_name: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_name, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_name|?{Attribute Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_name: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_name|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_weight: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_quantity: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_description: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_description|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), back: make.button('&lt; Back', command + ' config', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), } let configListItems = []; configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Inventory Attr. Name', buttons.repeating_name)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Name', buttons.repeating_field_name)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Weight', buttons.repeating_field_weight)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Quantity', buttons.repeating_field_quantity)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Description', buttons.repeating_field_description)); let title = script_name + ' Sheet Config'; let contents = ''; contents += make.list(configListItems); contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.back;, title, 'gm'); }, }, message = { error: (message, whisper='gm', style='border-color: red; color: red;') =&gt; {, '', whisper, style); }, normal: (message, whisper='gm', style='') =&gt; {, '', whisper, style) }, success: (message, whisper='gm', style='border-color: green; color: green;') =&gt; {, '', whisper, style) }, }, make = { menu: (contents, title, whisper, style='') =&gt; { title = (title &amp;&amp; title != '') ? make.title(title) : ''; whisper = (whisper &amp;&amp; whisper !== '') ? '/w ' + whisper + ' ' : ''; sendChat(script_name, whisper + '&lt;div style="''"&gt;'+title+contents+'&lt;/div&gt;', null, {noarchive:true}); }, title: (title) =&gt; { return '&lt;h3 style="margin-bottom: 10px;"&gt;'+title+'&lt;/h3&gt;'; }, button: (title, href, style) =&gt; { return '&lt;a style="'+style+'" href="'+href+'"&gt;'+title+'&lt;/a&gt;'; }, list: (items, listStyle=styles.reset + styles.list + styles.overflow, itemStyle=styles.overflow) =&gt; { let list = '&lt;ul style="'+listStyle+'"&gt;'; items.forEach((item) =&gt; { list += '&lt;li style="'+itemStyle+'"&gt;'+item+'&lt;/li&gt;'; }); list += '&lt;/ul&gt;'; return list; }, buttonListItem: (title, button) =&gt; { return '&lt;span style="'+styles.float.left+'"&gt;'+title+':&lt;/span&gt; ' + button; }, }, jsonExport = (type='config') =&gt; {'&lt;pre&gt;'+HE(JSON.stringify(state[state_name][type]))+'&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;p&gt;Copy the entire content above and save it to your pc.&lt;/p&gt;'); }, jsonImport = (type='config', json) =&gt; { try{ json = JSON.parse(json); } catch(e) { message.error('This is not a valid JSON string.'); return; } state[state_name][type] = json; }, handleLongString = (str, max=8, end='') =&gt; (str.length &gt; max) ? str.slice(0, max) + end : str, replaceChars = (text) =&gt; { text = text.replace('\&amp;rsquo\;', '\'').replace('\&amp;mdash\;','—').replace('\ \;',' ').replace('\&amp;hellip\;','…'); text = text.replace('\û\;','û').replace('’', '\'').replace(' ', ' '); text = text.replace(/&lt;li[^&gt;]+&gt;/gi,'• ').replace(/&lt;\/li&gt;/gi,''); return text; }, //return an array of objects according to key, value, or key and value matching, optionally ignoring objects in array of names getObjects = (obj, key, val, except) =&gt; { except = except || []; let objects = []; for (let i in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') { if (except.indexOf(i) != -1) { continue; } objects = objects.concat(getObjects(obj[i], key, val)); } else //if key matches and value matches or if key matches and value is not passed (eliminating the case where key matches but passed value does not) if (i == key &amp;&amp; obj[i] == val || i == key &amp;&amp; val === '') { // objects.push(obj); } else if (obj[i] == val &amp;&amp; key == ''){ //only add if the object is not already in the array if (objects.lastIndexOf(obj) == -1){ objects.push(obj); } } } return objects; }, esRE = function (s) { var escapeForRegexp = /(\\|\/|\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|\?|\+|\*|\||\.|\^|\$)/g; return s.replace(escapeForRegexp,"\\$1"); }, HE = (function(){ var entities={ //' ' : '&amp;'+'nbsp'+';', '&lt;' : '&amp;'+'lt'+';', '&gt;' : '&amp;'+'gt'+';', "'" : '&amp;'+'#39'+';', '@' : '&amp;'+'#64'+';', '{' : '&amp;'+'#123'+';', '|' : '&amp;'+'#124'+';', '}' : '&amp;'+'#125'+';', '[' : '&amp;'+'#91'+';', ']' : '&amp;'+'#93'+';', '"' : '&amp;'+'quot'+';' }, re=new RegExp('(',esRE).join('|')+')','g'); return function(s){ return s.replace(re, function(c){ return entities[c] || c; }); }; }()), generateUUID = (function() { let a = 0, b = []; return function() { let c = (new Date()).getTime() + 0, d = c === a; a = c; for (var e = new Array(8), f = 7; 0 &lt;= f; f--) { e[f] = "-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(c % 64); c = Math.floor(c / 64); } c = e.join(""); if (d) { for (f = 11; 0 &lt;= f &amp;&amp; 63 === b[f]; f--) { b[f] = 0; } b[f]++; } else { for (f = 0; 12 &gt; f; f++) { b[f] = Math.floor(64 * Math.random()); } } for (f = 0; 12 &gt; f; f++){ c += "-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(b[f]); } return c; }; }()), generateRowID = function() { "use strict"; return generateUUID().replace(/_/g, "Z"); }, checkInstall = () =&gt; { if(!_.has(state, state_name)){ state[state_name] = state[state_name] || {}; } setDefaults(); log(script_name + ' Ready! Command: !'+state[state_name].config.command); if(state[state_name].debug){ + ' Ready! Debug On.', '', 'gm') } }, registerEventHandlers = () =&gt; { on('chat:message', handleInput); }, setDefaults = (reset) =&gt; { const defaults = { config: { command: 'loot', auto_inv: false, save_treasure_handout: true, sheet_repeating_attr_name: 'inventory', sheet_repeating_attr_field_name: 'itemname', sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight: 'itemweight', sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity: 'itemcount', sheet_repeating_attr_field_description: 'itemcontent', }, loot: [ { name: "Example Loot Table", given: false, items: [ { name: "Item 1", taken: false, quantity: 3, weight: 2, description: "Test item 1" }, { name: "Item 2", taken: false, quantity: 1, weight: 2, description: "Test item 2" }, ] }, { name: "Example Loot Table 2", given: false, items: [ { name: "Item 1", taken: false, quantity: 1, weight: 2, description: "Test item 1" }, { name: "Item 2", taken: false, quantity: 1, weight: 2, description: "Test item 2" }, ] } ] }; if(!state[state_name].config){ state[state_name].config = defaults.config; }else{ if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('command')){ state[state_name].config.command = defaults.config.command; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('auto_inv')){ state[state_name].config.auto_inv = defaults.config.auto_inv; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('save_treasure_handout')){ state[state_name].config.save_treasure_handout = defaults.config.save_treasure_handout; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_name')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_name = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_name; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_name')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_description')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description; } } if(!state[state_name].loot){ state[state_name].loot = defaults.loot; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('firsttime') &amp;&amp; !reset){ config_menus.main(true); state[state_name].config.firsttime = false; } }; return { checkInstall, registerEventHandlers } })(); on('ready',function() { 'use strict'; LazyLoot.checkInstall(); LazyLoot.registerEventHandlers(); });
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Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
See if this is suitable.&nbsp; I just changed it to function if a character is controlled by more than one player, but I didn't alter it's behavior with regard to taking treasure and placing it into a player specific handout. /* * Version 0.1.2 * Made By Robin Kuiper * Skype: * Discord: Atheos#1095 * Roll20: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * Github: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * Reddit: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * Patreon: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> * <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> */ var LazyLoot = LazyLoot || (function() { 'use strict'; // Styling for the chat responses. const styles = { reset: 'padding: 0; margin: 0;', menu: 'background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px;', button: 'background-color: #000; border: 1px solid #292929; border-radius: 3px; padding: 5px; color: #fff; text-align: center;', textButton: 'background-color: transparent; border: none; padding: 0; color: #000; text-decoration: underline', list: 'list-style: none;', float: { right: 'float: right;', left: 'float: left;' }, overflow: 'overflow: hidden;', fullWidth: 'width: 100%;', underline: 'text-decoration: underline;', strikethrough: 'text-decoration: strikethrough' }, script_name = 'LazyLoot', state_name = 'LAZYLOOT', handleInput = (msg) =&gt; { if (msg.type != 'api') return; let config = state[state_name].config; // Split the message into command and argument(s) let args = msg.content.split(' '); let command = args.shift().substring(1); let extracommand = args.shift(); if (command == config.command) { if(!playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){ // Player Commands switch(extracommand){ case 'take': { let playerid = msg.playerid, sender = msg.who, lootid = args.shift(), itemid = args.shift(), amount = parseInt(args.shift()) || 1, loot = get.loot_table(lootid), taken = false; if(!loot || !loot.given){ message.error('No loot for you!', sender); return; } let item = loot.items[itemid]; if(!item){ message.error('Item not found.', sender); return; } if(item.taken){ message.error('Item is already taken by someone else.', sender); return; } if(item.quantity &gt; 1){ amount = (amount) ? (amount &lt;= item.quantity) ? amount : item.quantity : amount - 1; if(item.quantity &lt;= 0){ taken = true; } }else{ taken = true; } if(config.auto_inv){ let characterid = args.shift(), character = getObj('character', characterid); if(!characterid){ let characters = findObjs({ type: 'character'}) .filter(c=&gt;{ let cb = c.get('controlledby').split(/\s*,\s*/); return (cb.includes(playerid) || cb.includes('all')); }); if(characters.length &gt; 1){ let contents = '&lt;p&gt;To which character do you want to add the item: "&lt;b&gt;''&lt;/b&gt;":&lt;/p&gt;'; characters.forEach(character =&gt; { contents += make.button(character.get('name'), '!' + config.command + ' take ' + lootid + ' ' + itemid + ' ' + amount + ' ' + + '&lt;br&gt;'; });, '', sender); return; }else if(characters.length === 1){ characterid = characters[0].id; }else{ message.error('You don\'t have any characters.', sender); return; } } if(character){ addItemToInventory(item, character, amount); message.success( + ' added to ' + character.get('name') + '\'s inventory.', sender); }else{ message.error('Couldn\'t find character', sender); return; } } if(config.save_treasure_handout){ let player = getObj('player', playerid); addItemToHandout(item, player, amount); message.success( + ' added to your treasure handout.', sender); } item.quantity -= amount; item.taken = taken; giveToPlayers(lootid); } break; default: break; } }else{ // GM Commands switch(extracommand){ case 'reset': if(args.shift().toLowerCase() !== 'yes') return; state[state_name] = {}; setDefaults(true); config_menus.main(); break; case 'import': { let type = args.shift(); let json = msg.content.substring(('!'+config.command+' import ' + type + ' ').length); jsonImport(type, json); config_menus.main(); } break; case 'export': jsonExport(args.shift()); break; case 'config': { let menu = 'main'; if(args[0] &amp;&amp; !args[0].includes('|')){ menu = args.shift(); } if(args.length &gt; 0){ let setting = args.shift().split('|'); let key = setting.shift(); let value = (setting[0] === 'true') ? true : (setting[0] === 'false') ? false : setting[0]; config[key] = value; } config_menus[menu](); } break; case 'loot_table': { let l_id = args.shift(); if(l_id === 'new'){ let name = args.shift(); if(!name || name === ''){ message.error('No name was given.'); return; } create.loot_table(name); }else{ let DO = args.shift(); switch(DO){ case 'remove': remove.loot_table(l_id); menus.main(); return; /* break; */ case 'give': giveToPlayers(l_id); return; /* break; */ case 'item': { let i_id = args.shift(); if(i_id === 'new'){ let item_name = args.shift().replace('_', ' '), quantity = parseInt(args.shift()) || 1, weight = parseInt(args.shift()) || 0, description = args.join(' ') || ''; if(!item_name || item_name === ''){ message.error('No item name was given.'); return; } create.item(l_id, item_name, quantity, weight, description); } let DO_ITEM = args.shift(); switch(DO_ITEM){ case 'remove': remove.item(l_id, i_id); break; } } break; } menus.loot_table(l_id); return; } menus.main(); } break; default: { let page = parseInt(extracommand, 10); menus.main((!page) ? 1 : page); } break; } } } }, giveToPlayers = (l_id) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command, loot = get.loot_table(l_id); state[state_name].loot[l_id].given = true; let itemListItems = []; if(loot.items.length){ loot.items.forEach((item, i_id) =&gt; { let quantity = ''; if(item.quantity &gt; 1){ quantity = '?{How many?'; for(var i = 1; i &lt;= item.quantity; i++){ quantity += '|'+i; } quantity += '}'; } let button = (item.taken) ? '&lt;b style="'+styles.float.right+'"&gt;Taken&lt;/b&gt;' : make.button('Take', command + ' take ' + l_id + ' ' + i_id + ' ' + quantity, styles.button + styles.float.right); let name = (item.quantity &gt; 1) ? item.quantity + 'x ' + :; itemListItems.push(name + button); }); }else{ itemListItems.push('No treasure found.'); } let contents = ''; contents += make.list(itemListItems);, 'Treasure', ''); }, addItemToInventory = (item, character, quantity) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config; let row = generateRowID(); let attributes = {}; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name] =; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_equipped"] = '0'; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity] = quantity; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight] = item.weight; attributes["repeating_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+"_"+row+"_"+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description] = replaceChars(item.description); setAttrs(, attributes); }, addItemToHandout = (item, player, quantity=1) =&gt; { let handout = getOrCreateHandout(player); handout.get('notes', (notes) =&gt; { notes = (notes === "null") ? '' : notes; let re = new RegExp('[0-9]x ' +, 'gm'); if(notes.match(re)){ quantity += parseInt(notes.match(re)[0].split(' ')[0]); notes = notes.replace(re, quantity + 'x ' +; }else{ notes += '&lt;br&gt;&lt;b&gt;' + quantity + 'x ' + + '&lt;/b&gt; &lt;i&gt;(Weight: ' + item.weight + ', Description: ' + item.description + ')&lt;/i&gt;'; } setTimeout(() =&gt; { handout.set('notes',notes); },0); }); }, getOrCreateHandout = (player) =&gt; { let handout_name = player.get('displayname') + ' - Treasure'; let handout = findObjs({ type: 'handout', name: handout_name }); let inplayerjournals =; let controlledby =; return (handout &amp;&amp; handout[0]) ? handout[0] : createObj("handout", { name: handout_name, inplayerjournals, controlledby }); }, get = { loot_table: (l_id) =&gt; state[state_name].loot[l_id] }, create = { loot_table: (name) =&gt; state[state_name].loot.push({ name, given: false, items: [] }), item: (l_id, name, quantity=1, weight=0, description) =&gt; state[state_name].loot[l_id].items.push({ name, taken: false, quantity, weight, description }) }, remove = { loot_table: (l_id) =&gt; state[state_name].loot.splice(l_id, 1), item: (l_id, i_id) =&gt; state[state_name].loot[l_id].items.splice(i_id, 1) }, menus = { main: (page=1) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command, loot = state[state_name].loot; let buttons = { new: make.button('New Loot Table', command + ' loot_table new ?{Name}', styles.button), next: make.button('&gt;', command + ' ' + parseInt(page+1), styles.button + styles.float.right), prev: make.button('&lt;', command + ' ' + parseInt(page-1), styles.button + styles.float.left) }; let lootListItems = []; if(loot.length){ let start = (page-1)*10; let end = (page*10 &gt;= loot.length-1) ? loot.length-1 : page*10-1; if(start &gt; end){ lootListItems.push('No more loot tables.'); } for(var i = start; i &lt;= end; i++){ let title = (loot[i].given) ? '&lt;span style="text-decoration: line-through;"&gt;'+loot[i].name+'&lt;/span&gt;' : loot[i].name; let itemButton = make.button(title, command + ' loot_table ' + i, styles.textButton + styles.float.left); let giveButton = (loot[i].items.length &amp;&amp; !loot[i].given) ? make.button('G', command + ' loot_table ' + i + ' give', styles.button + styles.float.right) : ''; lootListItems.push(itemButton + giveButton); } }else{ lootListItems.push('No loot tables found.'); } let next = (loot.length &gt; page*10); let prev = (page &gt; 1); let contents = ''; contents += make.list(lootListItems); if(prev || next){ contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += '&lt;div style="'+styles.overflow+'"&gt;'; contents += (prev) ? buttons.prev : ''; contents += (next) ? : ''; contents += '&lt;/div&gt;'; } contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents +=;, script_name + ' Menu', 'gm'); }, loot_table: (l_id) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command, loot = get.loot_table(l_id); let buttons = { add: make.button('Add Item', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' item new ?{Item Name (replace spaces with _)} ?{Quantity} ?{Weight} ?{Description}', styles.button), give: make.button('Give Treasure', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' give', styles.button + styles.fullWidth + ' background-color: green;'), remove: make.button('Remove', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' remove', styles.button + styles.fullWidth + ' background-color: red;'), back: make.button('&lt; Back', command, styles.button + styles.fullWidth) }; let itemListItems = []; if(loot.items.length){ loot.items.forEach((item, i_id) =&gt; { itemListItems.push('&lt;span style="'+styles.float.left+'"&gt;''&lt;div style="font-size: 8pt;"&gt;&lt;i&gt;Q: '+item.quantity+' | W: '+item.weight+' | D: '+handleLongString(item.description, 10, '..')+'&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/span&gt;' + make.button('&lt;img src="<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" /&gt;', command + ' loot_table ' + l_id + ' item ' + i_id + ' remove', styles.button + styles.float.right + 'width: 16px; height: 16px;')); }); }else{ itemListItems.push('No items added yet.'); } let contents = ''; contents += make.list(itemListItems); contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.add; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += (loot.given) ? '&lt;p style="font-weight: 900; font-size: 9pt;"&gt;You have already given this treasure before. Some items may be taken.&lt;/p&gt;' : ''; contents += (loot.items.length) ? buttons.give : ''; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.back; contents += buttons.remove;, script_name + ' - ' +, 'gm'); } }, config_menus = { main: (first, message) =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command; let buttons = { command: make.button('!'+config.command, command + ' config command|?{Command (without !)}', styles.button + styles.float.right), auto_inv: make.button(config.auto_inv, command + ' config auto_inv|'+!config.auto_inv, styles.button + styles.float.right), save_treasure_handout: make.button(config.save_treasure_handout, command + ' config save_treasure_handout|'+!config.save_treasure_handout, styles.button + styles.float.right), lootMenu: make.button('Loot Menu', command, styles.button), sheetMenu: make.button('Sheet Config', command + ' config sheet', styles.button), reset: make.button('Reset Config', command + ' reset ?{Are you sure? Type Yes}', styles.button + styles.fullWidth + ' background-color: red;'), importConfig: make.button('Import Config', command + ' import config ?{JSON}', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), exportConfig: make.button('Export Config', command + ' export config', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), importLoot: make.button('Import Loot', command + ' import loot ?{JSON}', styles.button + styles.fullWidth), exportLoot: make.button('Export Loot', command + ' export loot', styles.button + styles.fullWidth) }; let configListItems = []; configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Command', buttons.command)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Auto Inventory', buttons.auto_inv)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Save Handout', buttons.save_treasure_handout)); let importListItems = [ buttons.exportLoot, buttons.importLoot, buttons.exportConfig, buttons.importConfig, buttons.reset ]; let title = (first) ? script_name + ' First Time Setup' : script_name + ' Config'; let contents = (message) ? '&lt;p&gt;'+message+'&lt;/p&gt;' : ''; contents += make.list(configListItems); contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.lootMenu + '&lt;br&gt;'; contents += (config.auto_inv) ? buttons.sheetMenu + '&lt;br&gt;' : ''; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += '&lt;p style="font-size: 80%"&gt;You can always come back to this config by typing `!'+config.command+' config`.&lt;/p&gt;'; contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += make.list(importListItems, styles.reset + styles.list + styles.overflow + ' margin-right: -5px');, title, 'gm'); }, sheet: () =&gt; { let config = state[state_name].config, command = '!' + config.command; let buttons = { repeating_name: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_name, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_name|?{Attribute Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_name+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_name: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_name|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_weight: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_quantity: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), repeating_field_description: make.button(config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description, command + ' config sheet sheet_repeating_attr_field_description|?{Field Name|'+config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description+'}', styles.button + styles.float.right), back: make.button('&lt; Back', command + ' config', styles.button + styles.fullWidth) }; let configListItems = []; configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Inventory Attr. Name', buttons.repeating_name)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Name', buttons.repeating_field_name)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Weight', buttons.repeating_field_weight)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Quantity', buttons.repeating_field_quantity)); configListItems.push(make.buttonListItem('Field - Description', buttons.repeating_field_description)); let title = script_name + ' Sheet Config'; let contents = ''; contents += make.list(configListItems); contents += '&lt;hr&gt;'; contents += buttons.back;, title, 'gm'); } }, message = { error: (message, whisper='gm', style='border-color: red; color: red;') =&gt; {, '', whisper, style); }, normal: (message, whisper='gm', style='') =&gt; {, '', whisper, style); }, success: (message, whisper='gm', style='border-color: green; color: green;') =&gt; {, '', whisper, style); } }, make = { menu: (contents, title, whisper, style='') =&gt; { title = (title &amp;&amp; title != '') ? make.title(title) : ''; whisper = (whisper &amp;&amp; whisper !== '') ? '/w ' + whisper + ' ' : ''; sendChat(script_name, whisper + '&lt;div style="''"&gt;'+title+contents+'&lt;/div&gt;', null, {noarchive:true}); }, title: (title) =&gt; { return '&lt;h3 style="margin-bottom: 10px;"&gt;'+title+'&lt;/h3&gt;'; }, button: (title, href, style) =&gt; { return '&lt;a style="'+style+'" href="'+href+'"&gt;'+title+'&lt;/a&gt;'; }, list: (items, listStyle=styles.reset + styles.list + styles.overflow, itemStyle=styles.overflow) =&gt; { let list = '&lt;ul style="'+listStyle+'"&gt;'; items.forEach((item) =&gt; { list += '&lt;li style="'+itemStyle+'"&gt;'+item+'&lt;/li&gt;'; }); list += '&lt;/ul&gt;'; return list; }, buttonListItem: (title, button) =&gt; { return '&lt;span style="'+styles.float.left+'"&gt;'+title+':&lt;/span&gt; ' + button; } }, jsonExport = (type='config') =&gt; {'&lt;pre&gt;'+HE(JSON.stringify(state[state_name][type]))+'&lt;/pre&gt;&lt;p&gt;Copy the entire content above and save it to your pc.&lt;/p&gt;'); }, jsonImport = (type='config', json) =&gt; { try{ json = JSON.parse(json); } catch(e) { message.error('This is not a valid JSON string.'); return; } state[state_name][type] = json; }, handleLongString = (str, max=8, end='') =&gt; (str.length &gt; max) ? str.slice(0, max) + end : str, replaceChars = (text) =&gt; { text = text.replace('&amp;rsquo;', '\'').replace('&amp;mdash;','—').replace(' ;',' ').replace('&amp;hellip;','…'); text = text.replace('û;','û').replace('’', '\'').replace(' ', ' '); text = text.replace(/&lt;li[^&gt;]+&gt;/gi,'• ').replace(/&lt;\/li&gt;/gi,''); return text; }, //return an array of objects according to key, value, or key and value matching, optionally ignoring objects in array of names getObjects = (obj, key, val, except) =&gt; { except = except || []; let objects = []; for (let i in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') { if (except.indexOf(i) != -1) { continue; } objects = objects.concat(getObjects(obj[i], key, val)); } else //if key matches and value matches or if key matches and value is not passed (eliminating the case where key matches but passed value does not) if (i == key &amp;&amp; obj[i] == val || i == key &amp;&amp; val === '') { // objects.push(obj); } else if (obj[i] == val &amp;&amp; key == ''){ //only add if the object is not already in the array if (objects.lastIndexOf(obj) == -1){ objects.push(obj); } } } return objects; }, esRE = function (s) { var escapeForRegexp = /(\\|\/|\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|\?|\+|\*|\||\.|\^|\$)/g; return s.replace(escapeForRegexp,"\\$1"); }, HE = (function(){ var entities={ //' ' : '&amp;'+'nbsp'+';', '&lt;' : '&amp;'+'lt'+';', '&gt;' : '&amp;'+'gt'+';', "'" : '&amp;'+'#39'+';', '@' : '&amp;'+'#64'+';', '{' : '&amp;'+'#123'+';', '|' : '&amp;'+'#124'+';', '}' : '&amp;'+'#125'+';', '[' : '&amp;'+'#91'+';', ']' : '&amp;'+'#93'+';', '"' : '&amp;'+'quot'+';' }, re=new RegExp('(',esRE).join('|')+')','g'); return function(s){ return s.replace(re, function(c){ return entities[c] || c; }); }; }()), generateUUID = (function() { let a = 0, b = []; return function() { let c = (new Date()).getTime() + 0, d = c === a; a = c; for (var e = new Array(8), f = 7; 0 &lt;= f; f--) { e[f] = "-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(c % 64); c = Math.floor(c / 64); } c = e.join(""); if (d) { for (f = 11; 0 &lt;= f &amp;&amp; 63 === b[f]; f--) { b[f] = 0; } b[f]++; } else { for (f = 0; 12 &gt; f; f++) { b[f] = Math.floor(64 * Math.random()); } } for (f = 0; 12 &gt; f; f++){ c += "-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(b[f]); } return c; }; }()), generateRowID = function() { "use strict"; return generateUUID().replace(/_/g, "Z"); }, checkInstall = () =&gt; { if(!_.has(state, state_name)){ state[state_name] = state[state_name] || {}; } setDefaults(); log(script_name + ' Ready! Command: !'+state[state_name].config.command); if(state[state_name].debug){ + ' Ready! Debug On.', '', 'gm'); } }, registerEventHandlers = () =&gt; { on('chat:message', handleInput); }, setDefaults = (reset) =&gt; { const defaults = { config: { command: 'loot', auto_inv: false, save_treasure_handout: true, sheet_repeating_attr_name: 'inventory', sheet_repeating_attr_field_name: 'itemname', sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight: 'itemweight', sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity: 'itemcount', sheet_repeating_attr_field_description: 'itemcontent' }, loot: [ { name: "Example Loot Table", given: false, items: [ { name: "Item 1", taken: false, quantity: 3, weight: 2, description: "Test item 1" }, { name: "Item 2", taken: false, quantity: 1, weight: 2, description: "Test item 2" } ] }, { name: "Example Loot Table 2", given: false, items: [ { name: "Item 1", taken: false, quantity: 1, weight: 2, description: "Test item 1" }, { name: "Item 2", taken: false, quantity: 1, weight: 2, description: "Test item 2" } ] } ] }; if(!state[state_name].config){ state[state_name].config = defaults.config; }else{ if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('command')){ state[state_name].config.command = defaults.config.command; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('auto_inv')){ state[state_name].config.auto_inv = defaults.config.auto_inv; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('save_treasure_handout')){ state[state_name].config.save_treasure_handout = defaults.config.save_treasure_handout; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_name')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_name = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_name; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_name')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_name; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_weight; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_quantity; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('sheet_repeating_attr_field_description')){ state[state_name].config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description = defaults.config.sheet_repeating_attr_field_description; } } if(!state[state_name].loot){ state[state_name].loot = defaults.loot; } if(!state[state_name].config.hasOwnProperty('firsttime') &amp;&amp; !reset){ config_menus.main(true); state[state_name].config.firsttime = false; } }; return { checkInstall, registerEventHandlers }; })(); on('ready',function() { 'use strict'; LazyLoot.checkInstall(); LazyLoot.registerEventHandlers(); });
You are a wizard! A true Archmage of Scriptmancy! Worked like a charm! Thank you!
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter