I'm in 100% agreement with the Roll20 stance up to this point of not allowing users to rate other users, and using the reporting system to deal with toxic individuals. I do see the topic come up again and again however, and now there is another suggestion live in this forum with moderator approval to discuss a possible system. If some sort of score or evaluation is what the community wants I thought that I would at least share my opinion of how it could be done in a way that could minimize abuse or favoritism. I feel this suggestion can stand apart from the "Automated System" suggestion as the "Self Evaluation" suggestion: Allow users to rate their own GM abilities in their profile . Have multiple categories for rating. The categories could be static such as System Familiarity, Rulings, and Roleplay. Alternatively, I kind of like the idea of having the categories themselves be expandable and editable by the user as well. Perhaps include a slider for the popular combat/rp ratio. Again, all of these are self-evaluation to be filled out by the user themselves. Players who are currently in any game GMed by the user that has had a scheduled session within the last few months have the ability to agree with a category evaluation. If a player is no longer a player in a game GMed by the user that is not "stale", their feedback is removed. If the user edits his own evaluation, all previous feedback is removed. Ideally, an active GM will talk with his players and adjust his own ratings up or down to get more of his players to agree with his self evaluation. If he works at improving in an area and scores himself better, his players have the opportunity to agree with him. These self-evaluations and the number of unique players that agree with them are optionally off/private/public ; the user can opt out (default setting), the user can share this information with players in his games, or the user can share this information with anyone who views his profile. Thank you for your kind attention.