I've looked around and can't seem to find a thread for this, though I thought I'd heard there was one--if I've missed one, please let me know! The ability to make a roll and store the result should be a basic function of the dice roller. As far as my combing through the forums and documentation can reveal, there is no way to do this beyond some kind of API wizardry that I simply cannot do. But, there should be a way, presumably very similar to using a Roll Query, to save the result only of a roll so that it can be referenced later in the same macro or sheet button. This seems like a very basic necessity! (It's even more basic and necessary than some other missing abilities that still baffle me, like the ability to choose a variable based on another variable or case statements.) Have I missed a way to do this? I love Roll20 and have happily supported this platform for years now, but it can be hard to accept or understand some of the things it doesn't allow (without learning fairly complex code to use the API). Anyhow, thanks for considering this thought!