I have purchased several of the official WotC modules. Right now we are playing through Curse of Strahd and have been having problem after problem with it. I own the game but my friend is DMing it for us so I've made her the DM. In the last session, I could see (in player mode) tokens that she had placed on the map previously but she could no longer see. She had never deleted them and I was the only one that could see it. She also could not see one player's token. She had an entire army of one player on the map. Most of us could see them but the DM and one other player could not. I'm having a terrible time with the compendium as well. I cannot (nor can she) drag ANY of the monsters that are supposed to exist in the module and are listed in the monster section onto the map. If I delete a monster and find them in the compendium again they work, but there are specialized monsters so this is not a good solution. I thought maybe something in the game had been corrupted so I tried to make a copy of the game and see if that worked, but in that one not only can I not drag monsters out, but there is no compendium button along the top.