If you're willing to give up a little mystery, give your players this macro. They can click on it, then on a token to get the target's Parry and Toughness. It also shows the raises so they know when they get bonus damage, or cause bonus wounds. Now you don't have to answer these questions over and over again. As GM, you need to link the Sailor token to the Sailor character sheet, but you don't need to set any of the bars on the token. Target stats for ``@{target|To see stats|token_name}``: • **Parry** @{target|To see stats|parrycur}, [[@{target|To see stats|parrycur}+4]] to raise damage. • **Toughness** @{target|To see stats|toughnesscur} (@{target|To see stats|toughnessArmor}), [[@{target|To see stats|toughnesscur}+4]] to wound, more wounds at [[@{target|To see stats|toughnesscur}+8]], [[@{target|To see stats|toughnesscur}+12]], [[@{target|To see stats|toughnesscur}+16]].