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Macro Trouble

So I am trying to create a Macro with a drop down. Select desired thing and it macro rolls it. I would think that this would be Simple however it is giving me issues. The following is my Macro that I created. All it does when I select from the drop down is give me a purple box button. Clicking on the box does nothing. I'm not sure how to fix it. I've tried replacing certain things and even just calling up the macro. The macro for the individual things work fine. I can roll them all day. /w gm ?{Inn & Food Prices| |[Wretched](!&13;#PricesWretched) |[Squalid](!&13;#PricesSqualid) |[Poor](!&13;#PricesPoor) |[Modest](!&13;#PricesModest)  |[Comfortable](!&13;#PricesComfortable) |[Wealthy](!&13;#PricesWealthy) |[Aristocratic](!&13;#PricesAristocratic)}}
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You've missed out a # in the API button, you could also do with some labels for your drop down options and you have too many closing brackets: /w gm ?{Inn & Food Prices| Wretched, [Wretched](!& # 13;#PricesWretched)| Squalid, [Squalid](!& # 13;#PricesSqualid)| Poor, [Poor](!& # 13;#PricesPoor)| Modest, [Modest](!& # 13;#PricesModest)| Comfortable, [Comfortable](!& # 13;#PricesComfortable)| Wealthy, [Wealthy](!& # 13;#PricesWealthy)| Aristocratic, [Aristocratic](!& # 13;#PricesAristocratic)}
Try this: /w gm ?{Inn & Food Prices|Wretched, [Wretched](!&13;#PricesWretched)|Squalid, [Squalid],(!&13;#PricesSqualid)|Poor, [Poor](!&13;#PricesPoor) |Modest, [Modest](!&13;#PricesModest)|Comfortable, [Comfortable](!&13;#PricesComfortable)|Wealthy, [Wealthy](!&13;#PricesWealthy)|Aristocratic, [Aristocratic](!&13;#PricesAristocratic)} I added new dropdown labels separated by commas, and grouped the buttons on the activation side of the dropdown, though, I'm partial to using templates for things like this instead of dropdowns. This one uses the buttons and the Pathfinder Default template. Maybe that'll interest you? If you need it set to another system, I can probabbly figure that out too, as long as their templates work sort of the same way. /w gm &{template:default}{{name=Inn and Food Prices}}{{[Wretched](!&13;#PricesWretched)=[**Squalid**](!&13;#PricesSqualid)}}{{[Poor](!&13;#PricesPoor)=[**Modest**](!&13;#PricesModest)}}{{[Comfortable](!&13;#PricesComfortable)=[**Wealthy**](!&13;#PricesWealthy)}}{{[Aristocratic](!&13;#PricesAristocratic)}} What do you think? Any help at all?
So Nekron, your solution made my dropdown look prettier but still didn't work. However, Ziecheal, your Amazing! It worked like a charm! thanks so much. I will study this so I can learn it. Thanks again guys for all the help!

Edited 1569880574
Seems to work fine for me, sorry it didn't for you. Did you try the buttons in template solution? It would look like this:
Thats this one, btw: /w gm &{template:default}{{name=Inn and Food Prices}}{{[Wretched](!&13;#PricesWretched)=[**Squalid**](!&13;#PricesSqualid)}}{{[Poor](!&13;#PricesPoor)=[**Modest**](!&13;#PricesModest)}}{{[Comfortable](!&13;#PricesComfortable)=[**Wealthy**](!&13;#PricesWealthy)}}{{[Aristocratic](!&13;#PricesAristocratic)}}
I understand what it would look like. It didn't work, not sure why it didn't work really. like you said. it should have
However, I will study this Macro as well. thank you :D
You're welcome. I'm not sure why it didn't work for yo, but I'm sorry it didn't. That sort of macro is much faster and cleaner than a dropdown. Anyway, good luck with it all.
Btw, what system are you using, and what sheet do you have loaded?
I am using D&D 5th edition. Can't remember if it is the OGL or the Shaped one but one of those.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Nekronn99's would work just as well, just needs the additional # after the ampersands ;)
Ahhhhh I see
I will test it later and get back to you :D

Edited 1569885135
Hashtag after the ampersands? Where, Ziechael? Do you mean on the dropdown one?
I see what you mean!
That fixed it! /w gm &{template:default}{{name=Inn and Food Prices}}{{[Wretched](!

Edited 1569886815
I literally just copied mine exactly as I had it posted above and it works perfectly, the one you just posted with Hashtags after the Ampersands does not work for me at all?!?!?!? I am so puzzled.
That is VERY interesting. I will have to keep that in mind for macros
What, the button bank in the roll template? Yeah, that setup is very cool, I think.
thanks :D I have make notes of all this in my OneNote. this was a learning experience. Thank you!
I just don't know why mine worked for me but not you, and your "fixed" one with the extra hashtags works for you but not me!?!?!?

Edited 1569887114
No telling. Could be anything,could be Google chrome vs fire fox or Mac vs PC or any number of reasons
I'm using Firefox on Windows 10, nothing weird or nothin'
I'm using Google Chrome on windows 10. That could be the difference
Maybe, but I really doubt it.