+1. I'm a GM in regular-old-D&D and I want all my Players to be able to see each other's character sheets. It's normal at the physical game table to see your friends' character sheets. Just so you know, right now, if you set the character In Player's Journals to "All Players" then other players are able to see the Bio & Info tab of other players. This allows you so share/show the character's portrait, and whatever text is typed onto the Bio tab. In the old days of Roll20 this tab was your character sheet, before they introduced the Character Sheet tab. <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/Journal#In_Player.27s_Jour" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/Journal#In_Player.27s_Jour</a>... Unfortunately they still can't see the actual Character Sheet tab , which this Suggestion is regarding, and I concur. That tab contains all the stats, health, scores, and so on. For some games this information needs to be shared. Best would be to allow the GM to decide whether to share it or hide it. For now, any information that needs to be shared for your game, type that info on the Bio tab instead of the Character Sheet, and share the visibility of that to "All Players."