I'm not clear on how art is stored. It looks like all Art Uploads are shown in the uploads list, unless moved into my Art Library. I can drag it into a Journal Handout, Character Sheet Avatar, or as a Token and link to a Character Sheet. If I delete it from the Art Uploads, it remains in those items... Until I refresh my browser. Then those items will show a broken image. I can drag it into an Art Library folder. Then, if I delete it from the Art Uploads list, it is removed from the Library folder immediately. My questions: How do you manage your art? Do you put it into a folder before you attach it to a character sheet? How about: Pictures stored in handouts? Background maps stored in pages? Trees and treasure chest tokens? These are the only ones that don't have any other place they are stored. My "uploaded art" list is fairly chaotic and I'd like to know the best way to manage it, or if I should just ignore it. Thanks!