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[LFG][Homebrew][18+] Looking for (Many) Playtesters for Silent Hill-esque Horror Oneshot


Edited 1571634097
[100% HOMEBREW System/Story][Voice-Only over Discord] Once upon a time a strange fog descended upon the small village of Slumberwood, coating everything in a thick layer of mist. It was supernatural in origin - that was apparent even before the  strange things start to occur - the faint apparitions, the missing people, those creatures ... The village sent for adventurers to help, but anyone who tried to enter or exit the village would be found dead by morning. In the end, the villagers were forced to take matters into their own hands and sought to uncover the secret of the mist and rid themselves of the horror that comes  whe n the fog rolls in... Current Schedule Playtest One [4/7 Players]: Wednesday, October 9th from 8:00pm-12:00am CT  [DONE!] Playtest Two [6/7 Players]: Sunday, October 13th from 7:00pm-12:00am CT  [DONE!] Playtest Three [4/7 Players]:  Sunday, October 20th from 6:00pm-10:00pm CT  [DONE!] Hello there! I'm Missile [27, she/her]. I consider myself a very story/RP-focused GM, rather than combat or systems focused, and this is a game I developed myself! It's a survival/psychological horror rp that has heavy inspiration from the Silent Hill games. I'm looking for (many) playtesters to help me polish it up before I run it IRL for the first time. NEWBIE PLAYERS WELCOME! Everything about this Oneshot is Homebrew!  Including the mechanics! However, they are designed to be as streamlined and straightforward as possible, so that there's more time for creepiness! I'll be spending the first few minutes of the session going over them. Characters Are Provided! The 'heroes' of this story are the ordinary citizens of Slumberwood - and thus don't have any outstanding skills or abilities. It's the 'everyman' trope that Silent Hill games are known for. However, YOU decide their personality! All characters will need a Motivation - which you can come up with whole-cloth, or you can choose/roll for a pre-set one. There Will Be Death! Probably a lot of it. It's just the nature of the game. Luckily, it takes about 5 seconds to pop up a new character. I've rated this 18+ for gore/violence , so be pre-warned! Date & Times: My schedule is free Sunday-Thursday after 12pm Central , and the game should last 5 hours . At the moment I don't have a limit for how many sessions I want to run - the more the merrier!  Thanks for checking this out, and I hope to be able to play with you! If you're interested, please respond here with: your availability, horror tropes you like, and horror tropes you dislike . Questions are also welcome!
Characters provided or we make our own?
Basic character sheets will be provided, but their personality is up to the player (you can choose their appearance too if you want a custom token). Having a detailed character sheet isn’t necessary for this because all checks will be done using a d20, and any weapons/items needed can be found within the campaign itself. It’s sort of a quick-and-dirty style of RP.
Hello, I would love to try this out. The premise sounds like it would make for a fun time. I am available after 1:30 pm PDT Wednesday through Sunday. The tropes of supernatural cults interjecting onto a normal situations, people having double-lives, Cryptids (monsters/supernatural beings), Cosmic Horror, and that there are times when no one makes it out are very interesting to me at the moment. I feel that the trope of the final girl is used way to often. One more trope that I feel has weakened horror is the victim's ability to survive longer than one should during an attack. It can be rather comical at times.  A recent horror film that deals with the first few tropes is The Void .
i am very intersted in this i loved silent hill if you could message me some more details thank you :)
@Brian: Awesome! Thanks for the interest. Wednesday at 1:30pm PST is good for me too, so I'll go ahead and set that up as one of the time-slots, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, we should be good to go! Ideally, there should be at least two more players - so, if you happen to know anyone who might be interested, bring them along! (Also, Cryptids and Cosmic Horror are my jam! Thanks for the rec, btw! I haven't seen The Void, but now I'm definitely going to check it out.) @Josh: Sent you a PM! Please let me know if you have any questions!
This sounds really interesting. Would you consider play testing this with a complete noob to the scene (i.e. played a few oneshots of Palladin Games 'TMNT' many years ago) or is it really more experienced players you are looking for to trial this?
Make that two noobs... not necessarily at the same time.  I'm free pretty much all next week (today to the 14th) and I might be able to bring someone who's more experienced.  I'll have to figure out his schedule, though.
This game is actually extremely noob friendly! It's going to be mostly story/rp based, so there's a very low barrier to entry. There's no complicated system or rules for character building, so it's very easy to jump right in. You only have to be as prepared as a typical horror-film protagonist is for things to go horribly, horribly wrong (i.e. not very). If you think you would enjoy playing what is essentially your average NPC trying to survive/put an end to a world of horror and madness, then this is the game for you! Everything else should be easy to explain in-game. Thanks so much for the interest! Definitely let me know what times are best for you. I'm going to be setting up the game in Roll20 this weekend, so I should be good to go anytime after Sunday.
Hey there! I'm always interested in a good horror theme, so please consider me! Availability: Mon, Wed - after 4pm PST; Sunday - anytime before 6pm PST (my Sunday night group starts at 7); Thursdays - after 4pm PST, but only as a last resort (Critical Role livestream) Favorite Horror Tropes: Cosmic Horror (i.e. Cthulhu Mythos), psychological suspense (Silence of the Lambs, The Shining), Victorian horror Least favorite tropes: Jump scares that become the main focus of the horror (it gets old and boring rather fast)
@Kaz: Absolutely! I could move the Wednesday (Oct. 9th) session to 4pm PST, that should accommodate you and Brian. (And if anyone else is good with that timeslot, definitely jump in). I'll PM you the link to the game on Monday, when I've finished setting it up, and then we should be good to go by Wednesday if you're still interested! I'm also a big fan of cosmic/psychological horror! I'm definitely hoping to bring some of that to this game. RPs are pretty great for that sort of thing, since it's all about building atmosphere.
4pm PST should be... 7pm EST.  Sounds good to me.

Edited 1570585909
Awesome! So that is a potential 3 players for a (update!)&nbsp; Wednesday, Oct. 9th @ 8:00 CDT slot - which means that everything is a go! Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it! I've also posted the game under the name "When The Fog Rolls In", and it's set for Pick-Up, so if anyone has the time, feel free to click the link here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I've also created a Discord server for the game - if you'd like to be added, just PM me!
Quick update on the time of the first session - it got pushed back a couple of hours, but is still up! So far I have 3 out of a possible 7 slots filled - so if you're interested in jumping into tomorrows session, just click the invite link! If you're interested in a different timeslot, post here! Thanks for all the interest, guys!
I’m a noob, but would love to join in if space is still available!&nbsp;

Edited 1570835298
Alright guys, I had a pretty successful first playtest! There are a couple of things I definitely need to tweak, but I got some great feedback, so I've been setting up for another run through. I'm aiming for the next playtest to be in 2 days: on Sunday, October 13th, at 7:00pm-12:00am. As you can see, I've increased the run time to 5 hours - however, I'm also putting in a break about halfway though. Link is at the top! It's new, so if you joined before and want to go again (or missed the last one), you'll need to re-join! Be sure to send me a PM for the Discord! Thanks again!
I got 2 people signed up for tonight’s game (in about 9 hours), so it’s going ahead as planned! Still plenty of room though guys, so feel free to hop in!
Hey guys! I'm still looking for more players to give my game a playtest! I didn't get any response for the Thursday timeframe, so I've changed the date for Playtest #3 to Sunday, October 20th from 6:00pm-10:00pm CT . My IRL game is going to happen on the 25th, so I could use as much practice as possible! I appreciate any players I can get for this creepy oneshot!
Sure, I guess I can play again this Sunday
Thanks Blue! It's gonna feel very different as I've updated a lot of things! I'll let you know over Discord if I get enough people for it. At the moment, I'm still looking for more players! If anyone is up for a quick and creepy RP, I'd really appreciate it if you join and help me test out my system! Ideally, I'd like to have 3 to start! Be sure to click the link above to be invited to the game!
Oh oh oh! I can happily join up for the third playtest. I'm a big fan of Silent hill myself, and have been wanting to be part of a horror game for some time since my Cthulhu group disbanded. As for horror tropes, I can't really say I have a preference. I'm someone who has everything from horrible B horrors to high quality blockbusters in his collection. I can sit down and blast Jeepers Creepers and The Grudge in a single sitting, then sit through ALL the Halloween and Friday movies. Except Halloween 3. I'm extremely free, so count me in :)
Awesome Sune! Thanks for joining! I love all sorts of horror too, so I think we’ll get along! Link to the Discord is in the game chat, but I’ll be sending that out again soon! With 2 players, I can go ahead with the game! Anyone else out there interested? Game is in about 6 hours, so this is the final call!