Hello all, Wonder if someone could help me. I'm putting together a nested macro so I can call upon some loot when needed.with the macro currently looking like this /w gm &{template:default} {{name=LootGenerator}} {{Individual Treasure = |[Individual-Loot-CR0-4](! #IndividualLootCR0-4)[IndividualLootCR5-10](! #IndividualLootCR5-10) [IndividualLootCR11-16](! #IndividualLootCR11-16)[IndividualLootCR17-20](! #IndividualLootCR17-20)}}{{Treasure Hoard = | [TreasureHoardCR0-4](!#TreasureHoardCR0-4)[TreasureHoardCR5-10](!#TreasurehoardCR5-10)[TreasureHoardCR11-16](!#TreasureHoardCR11-16)[TreasureHoardCR17+](!#TreasureHoardCR17+)}} the macro works and produces me a table format to click through but only the individual tables, when clicked upon, produce results. When i click on the hoards (any of them) i get nothing. When i run the hoard macro's on their own i get results so i must be missing something perhaps in my nested macro? when building the above nested marcros the hoards never autofilled so i copied the names from the macro's themselves. Any advice? Samples of the macros being called up: individual table: !rt /w GM &{template:default} {{name=Loot Found}} {{Amount =| [[1t[Individual-Treasure-CR 11-16]]]}} Hoard !rt /w GM &{template:default} {{name=Loot Found}} {{Coins= | [[1t[Treasure-Hoard-CR-0-4-Coins]]]}}{{Gems/Items = |[[1t[Treasure-Hoard-CR-0-4-Art-Items]]]}}