By late 2020 the first animal trials started on the H.U.S.C program,The ability to merge living tissue with bioregeneritive Tritanium Carbosilicates exploded as the field of Bioengineering moved from the realm of sci-fi into the world of high tech macro-surgical implantations in a Heavy utility Symbiote Core.By 2067 the world was in an economic collapse,as countries began to run out of natural resources, the major powers began to seek ways to save themselves from the specter of self-annihilation. Thus began the first eugenics war,the H.U.S.C program was weaponized. Man knew how to kill man.Doctor Ben Hurst defied Order Omega,and fled the corporate led slaughter of millions of humans, as the powerful corporate elite sought to end the downward spiral by eliminating the huge demand on the remaining resources. Taking his break through leap HUSC technology with him,he fled to a secret underground lab.As the eugenics war raged, he and some of his associates bent themselves to developement of the peace keeper.In 2079 the eugenics war was over,the North American union,the Euro corporate syndicate, and the Trans Asiatic Conglomerate were the only powers left standing in a corporate run world. But in 2082 they arrived.The Vaar swarm decended on earth like a biblical plague.The Sonic shockwave weapon was used to destablize the earth sending massive earth quakes throughout the planet,this shockwave cut off the HUSC lab,the survivors watched unable to aid in the earths alien takeover,cut off from the outside world by the quakes. The year is 4020 a geological plate shift opens the way to the surface,a long sleeping drone awakens and begins to recon the surrounding area.The survey is green and the drone activates project peacekeeper,deep in the subterranean bowels a human embryo is taken from the cryocreche and makes its way to the rapid maturation chamber and psychotraining. Nine months later Macro-surgical removal and implantation is achieved. I am looking for 5 players for playtesting this Post-apocalyptic techno horror sci-fi world because of the nature of the content I am looking for 18+ mature people. the game will be played on Fridays 9 am MDT (GMT-6) and run until noon MDT