I know a lot scripts have been written in the last four years and it would be nice to find a nice alphabetized list of links to each with a brief description of what they do.
I apologize of this has already been asked a million times.
If you look at your campaigns API Scripts page, and the install script section, each of the scripts on github is there, and does have a description. There's a lot to wade through, though. And of course, there are some scripts that aren't on github (like my Universal Chat Menus script).
I agree there are better ways to organise it - the wiki does have a script index but i dont think its actively maintained and is out of date.
Minor correction: the 1-click install scripts are a curated subset of the scripts in the GitHub repo.
There is also this long out-of-date page in the wiki, which lists some scripts that are in neither place.
You can search github with a keyword of Roll20 to find other public repositories:
Finally, you can do a site-limited google search and find some forum-only scripts:
site:app.roll20.net "[Script]"