Hello, I wonder if someone might be able to help me understand the correct way to write this and where i may need to include HTML substitutions. So after having some issues with Global Macros and doing some reading on here i've seen it suggested to use a character sheet for those types of Macros, which i've created called DMMacros. Within this sheet i've created some macros to be used within nested chat menus to easily call upon some randomness. for example i've got: Environment /w GM [[1t[Environment]]] Or Bards /w gm [[1t[Bards]]] What i want to do now is create a chat menu so i can easily roll these all within the same character sheet. Am i right in thinking that my format for the table needs to be: /w GM &{template:default} {{EncounterGenerator= | [Bards(~Bards)[Environment](~Environment)}}