Game was fine yesterday, today, no matter what macro I run, it spits out to chat a lot of macro output from multiple macros that I'm not even calling, starting with a macro that calls a roll-able table, I have the API as well. I have never seen anything like it before. And some things don't work at all, like /desc Hi in chat, zero output. Any ideas how to recover from this state, clearly something has been corrupted at some deep level. I've restarted the API, cleared chat logs, restarted the game, nothing changes. The last thing I did in game was to add another macro to a player sheet. Edit. Actually, nothing is working, if I try to run a macro, its just spits out to chat the last 20 or so chat entries(corrupted in various ways), over and over each time I run a macro. So nothing new is happening, its just spitting old logs to chat Edit. Additional testing. I can launch the game, delete a roll-table, exit the game clean. When I launch the game again, the table is back. That sounds like a database disconnect?