Peter Bjerg M. said:
Is Roll20 handled by a professional (getting paid) team, or is it a past time project?
Roll20 Character Sheets are maintained/updated by a variety of people, of which the was majority of less prominent systems are updated by community members. The Roll20 Character Sheet GitHub repo contains all community sheets. More info on Creating/Editing Roll20 Character Sheets.
Nicholas said:
Since this is related to a community sheet, I went ahead and moved your post to the Character Sheet & Compendium Forum for better visibility.
The AD&D 2e sheet is a community-maintained sheet, which means Roll20 only accepts&merges changes submitted by users, but doesn't them-self take active role in these sheets. Nicholas didn't explain the meaning of the term so I understand why you might get confused o what his reply meant.
The sheets are basically split in three groups, when it comes to support:
- 1.Maintained by Roll20: These sheets have "by Roll20" in their name. Roll20 have created the sheets in cooperation with the publisher and have active support of these. Currently keeps these sheets' sourcode separate form the community sheets. Their last public versions are available from a few month ago in the Character Sheet repo.

- 2. Maintained/Commissioned by Publisher: These sheet have been officially endorsed/commissioned/requested by the publisher, and have "by [publisher name]" at the end. These sheets are highlighted in the selection menu by being grouped at the top just after the Official Roll20 Sheets, but otherwise Roll20 doesn't directly have much to do with these, as the publisher have their own person who have made the sheet or maintains it. Community members can freely submit fixes to these sheets(to my understanding).

- 3. Sheets made by Community Members(the wast majority): The rest of the sheets, which is the was majority of them, are created & maintained by community members in their free time. There are a couple of sheets that have been given the explicit belling of the game creator/publisher, but are otherwise hands off on these things. There are even a couple of community sheets maintained by Roll20 staff in their free time.
This isn't really a thing most people know, and don't remember seeing this explained either. It's pretty common and understandable to for people to assume Roll20 is actively responsible for every character sheet. But knowing how many they are, and how they have been created by a large variety of people, would make it clear that this would be an absolutely massive task. That being said, even if Roll20 let's the community update and change the sheets, it still does some screening & light review of the submitted changes on these, and have occasionally reverted bad changes made by community members after users expressed problems with some update.
Sorry if this was a bit of an over-kill explanation, but I realized this haven't really been said well in any other place, so I wanted to something that can referenced when this topic comes up again.