New Modular Tower Set!
Is your Party on the way to save the princess? Or maybe they stumbled
on a Necromancers Lair... Hopefully that princess is in a different
castle... Maybe you just need a nice Guild Hall Tower. Either way, this
set brings you 24 Tower Maps that you can stack in any order... so you
don't have to put the princess on the same level as the Necromancer...
unless of course...
All 24 Towers have a Seamless Forest Background and a Black Background so you
can fit them into you modular sets, and each Floor has a Decorated and a
Blank version. There's also overlay entrance tiles so you can decide
which floor is at the entrance level!!! Need more? How about some new
A Tower of Options!!!
24 Decorated Tower Maps 28 Blank Tower Maps Forest and Blank Black Backgrounds New Decoration items Connector Entrance Tiles