"Lost Mine of Phandelver, at its core, is an adventure for four to five characters of 1st level. During the course of the adventure, the characters will most likely advance to 5th level. The adventure is set a short distance from the city of Neverwinter in the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms setting. The Sword Coast is part of the North-a vast realm of free settlements surrounded by wilderness and adventure."
A great adventure for beginners and seasoned D&D'ers alike where my overall goal is to find like-minded players who wants to play D&D on a steady basis. I have added new encounters, quests and random goodies to spice up the standard version of this adventure.
Requirements to join:
• Must be 25 years or older
• New to D&D and/or this particular adventure
• Have an easy going and nice personality
• Optional: Have the VTT Enhancement Suite plug-in installed (Firefox browser only). It's free and allows me to use cool things in-game such as animations. You can grab it here: https://addons.mozilla.org/da/firefox/addon/roll20-enhancement-suite/
Game Details
• Length: Weekly sessions lasting 3-4 hours depending on roleplay and number of players. The time is not set in stone, but for now it will re-occur weekly at the same time as this one starts. Please do not apply if you know that you cannot attend on a weekly basis
• Lost Mines of Phandelver. Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
• Level Range: 1
• Group Size: 4-6
• Difficulty: Easy/medium if you are careful and work together as a party. Hard if you just run head-first into every battle
• Combat/Roleplay Balance: Combat is nigh unavoidable and roleplaying is encouraged, but only at a pace you feel comfortable with
• Excessive swearing, bullying, racism, homophobia and talk of politics are not permitted during the game session
• Communication: Voice via Discord
Character Creation
• The in-game charactermancer will serve as your character generator
• In terms of alignment feel free to pitch me your ideas and we’ll see if it fits into the story. I want you to be able to play what you’d prefer, but it has to make sense – especially if other players are involved
• If you wish to play an exotic race (such as a drow or perhaps a trollkin from Midgard) let me know so we can see if we can make it work in the game, rp-wise. Having a full party of exotic races simply isn't realistic and would cause the party to be scrutinzed almost constantly
• Ability scores are determined through point buy or rolling for your stats (roll three times and select the best one)
• Backstory. Having a backstory is not mandatory, but if you wish to write one, I will do my best to incorporate it into the main story
• Your character will be reviewed by me before being accepted. That goes for your characters portrait/token as well
About Me
As a DM I prefer catering to a well-written story and present the characters with morally difficult choices as well as making the decisions matter onward in the game. I believe a good game of D&D requires the players to feel a sense of urgency and respect that their characters can die, if they are not careful. I aim to present challenging encounters which require teamwork, tactics and a bit of luck to overcome.
As for me personally I am a 37-year old veteran roleplayer from Denmark. I grew up with D&D and Baldur’s Gate as some of my favorite pass time. I am relatively new to the Roll20 platform and this way of enjoying D&D, but I have re-discovered the joys the game brings, the unbridled creativity it requires and – of course – a great way to meet likeminded players.
My discord is: Darion#8656
About You
Your prior experience in D&D is not important. I run new player friendly games.
As a person I imagine you are tolerant, easy-going, friendly, patient, focused, creative and 18+.
I look forward to playing with you.
Apply now @ https://app.roll20.net/join/5822177/8NL8aw