I have a simple system using a few features from several different RPGs. The dice mechanic is still a D20, but all the checks, saves, and combat rolls are all checked against a set of abilities. These abilities differ from the normal Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, etc, these New Abilities are: Physical Prowess : A combination of Strength and Agility Fortitude: Your ability to withstand Physical and Mental Stress Problem Solving : A combination of Intelligence and Manual Dexterity Perception: How you utilize your senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Feel. And your ability to Reason through Insight Personality: How others Perceive you, how Pious you are, how Lucky, your Appearance or Natural Charisma Arcana: Your ability to use and understand Magic, how well you can harness the powers of the Force, the Mythos, or Raw Magics, etc Once you've created a character, you Role Play him or her how ever you like. Since the emphasis on Building the Character with a bunch of Game Slowing features has been eliminated the game becomes more Role Play oriented. Anything is possible using the simple rule of Reason, Logic, and Common Sense.  A few other rules worth mentioning: Armor Stops Damage, it doesn't effect how hard you are to be hit. You level is Added to All Checks, Saves, and Combat Rolls. You level every 10 XP. The world is your typical Fantasy World, could be Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Ebberon, any of the Pathfinder or Other Worlds, could be a planet in a galaxy far,far, away! Any one interested in something like this, post something here. Thanks for reading this. -Ajax