Hi, all-- I've been trying to modify the Old Pathfinder Sheet code to suit my needs, but I've realized it isn't compendium-compatible. Is there a version of the Pathfinder sheet out there that is editable but is also compatible with the compendium? (I looked at the Official Pathfinder sheet at Github , but when I load it up it seems to be full of errors.) I really can't use the official sheet in its default form, as I need to be able to adjust the code to save my sanity with some of the custom rules, etc. that I'm trying to use. If no such sheet exists, is there a better how-to to create compendium drag-and-drop integration than this one ? More to the point, is there a better explanation of how to tell what the names of various attributes are for compendium entries, such as descriptions and so forth? I think I'm in way over my head, here, but compendium integration would be pretty helpful (even if the sad lack of compendium customization-- here's hoping for it eventually --means that many, many things I need to add will be impossible for now). Anyway, I don't know how possible any of this is, but I figured I'd shout out for it in case anyone had better answers than the ones I'm coming up with by myself. Thanks, all!