Another year and still no DM's Guide? I went to give a character a magic item tonight and realised the DM's guide's items aren't in Roll20. But SRD and Xanathars are.... I would happily pay for a DM's essentials pack, instead of trying to implement stuff in Roll20 from scratch. Repeating Curtis T's excellent points because plagarism saves time..... Essentials! Magic items... more compendium items woo! All the assorted rollable tables - Bring em along. Traps - we need you on the GM layer (or a new trap layer) Treasure - tool for the active GM would be nice Appendices mix of art assets, compendium entries, and rollable tables. Nice to have: NPCs - already covered in Roll20; potential for a NPC-amancer All the various class options and such - need true implementation into Charactermancer, etc. (eg paladin oathbreaker) "Master of Rules" - optional rules for charactermancer and the compendium Personally, I would say that all the flavour and content for worldbuilding doesn't help so much in Roll20 since it is how-to rather than content, but basics like core magic items not being available is a real hassle!