I can't seem to get the translation list ordering to work in a test game.   I've created a custom test game which uses a translated language json.  My html looks like it's set up properly, but the browser's inspector is showing an error.

"data-i18n-error="List does not contain the key: djurhantering ."

Here's a sample of the English version which is alphanumeric;

"skills-list": "animal-handling,crafting,endurance,healing,insight,lore,manipulation,marksmanship,melee,might,move,performance,scouting,sleight-of-hand,stealth,survival",

and here's a copy of the Swedish version which has been purposely re-arranged;

"skills-list": "styrkeprov,uthållighet,närkamp,hantverk,smyga,fingerfärdighet,rörlighet,skytte,speja,bildning,överlevnad,genomskåda,manipulera,skaldekonst,läkekonst,djurhantering",

Sample of HTML

<div class="skills-grid" data-i18n-list="skills-list">
	<span class="skills-row" data-i18n-list-item="animal-handling">...</span>
	<span class="skills-row" data-i18n-list-item="crafting">...</span>
	<span class="skills-row" data-i18n-list-item="endurance">...</span>

<!-- skills continue similar to the above spans -->


Anything jump out?  Does this only work properly once it's live?  Meaning it must use your language setting to pull the appropriate translation.json