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[LFP][5e][Free] War of the Burning Monday Nights EST

"The King has been killed; the people who've taken his place are tyrants, and you're trying to reclaim his throne and his dignity. " We will be playing the War of the Burning module starting at third level. More will be revealed in your 1 on 1 with me via discord, so feel free to prepare some questions for me. Disclaimer - I've put a lot of time and effort not only into this campaign but into this post in order to successfully provide a fun environment come game day. You are expected to read the entire post and reasonably meet every expectation listed below in order to prove to me that you are willing to put forth the effort to make this game fun for everyone. If it's blatantly clear to me that you don't intend to take this seriously in either your application or your 1-on-1 with me via discord, you will not be invited to this game. Thank you for reading, and I hope the below piques your interest. Character creation - I allow homebrew races and classes (though they are subject to my tampering). Loxodon are disallowed and dragonborn are discouraged.  - Evil characters, brooders, loners, and characters that are disinclined to help the party are discouraged and are unlikely to receive the okay from me. - You may roll for stats 3 times and take the block of your choice. You must roll in front of me if you are rolling. - If you want to retexture or rename anything without changing the mechanics to better suit your character, run it by me and I'll almost definitely say yes. Game Rules - Know how to  play, be it understanding the rules, understanding your alignment, or cooperating with a group. - Be respectful, and exercise good judgment.  - "It's what my character would do," is not a sufficient idiot and/or *sshole pass.  - Enable others to speak, and do not speak over others. If you are domineering the session, you will be asked to stop. House Rules - Beastmaster ranger doesn't need to use any action economy to command their companion. - We use crit rules. - I'm a nice DM and won't be trying to kill your characters but if you fuck up enough i will do what i must. - I have a good memory so things you do might come back to bite you in the butt. - I'm also an idiot. Apply with the format below, and keep in mind that the more effort you put in, the more likely you are to receive an invitation. 5e/RP experience: Character Info      Name:      Race:      Class:       Alignment:       Personality traits:      Backstory: What you're looking for in a group: Discord name and ID number: If I like what I see, I'll pull you into a brief discord call; get to know you, little exposition for your character, etc. Cheers. ~Glor
5e/RP experience: a little over a year Character Info      Name: Jean D'Artios      Race: Half elf      Class: Paladin       Alignment: Chaotic good       Personality traits: Loves his squires, viciously  protective of them and maybe he cares too much for other people for his own good      Backstory: Jean born in Affilas castle, had a rough upbringing regarding that he was half elven, he was the sole child of his father and mother, his father was a human noble, and his mother was an elven priestess, he had no friends growing up but he had the children of his father's tabaxi guard and he started to get to know them around his teens, thats when he started to learn to become a paladin in his mother's order she had a chapel and ran the church of Waukeen in the vicinity merchants would go there and hire paladins as caravan guards or even as peacekeeprs in town, after he became a full fledged paladin in his own right he convinced his friends to join up him in his travels as a group of muscle for sale What you're looking for in a group: to have fun and reach the goals of each character in party as well as see the campaign till its end. Discord name and ID number: Chateau#0001

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5e/RP experience: A little over a year. However, a lot over the last few months Character Info Name: Observer 3P1907 Race: Warforged Class: Artificer Alignment: Lawful good Personality traits:  I use polysyllabic words that convey the impression of great erudition. I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others. I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature. Backstory: Observer 3P1907 was a Warforged created and designed for war. However, Observer developed the ability for higher intellectual thought and broke away from the path he was created for. Escaping the people who created him, Observer pursued knowledge and desired to learn about the world. He came to love and cherish the world that he lives in after much study. Caring for and protecting all forms of life.  However, Observer is an intelligent being who spent many years in deep research and study to understand the world.   Hating conflict, but not allowing others to be hurt. Therefore, he understands that there is evil and good and therefore conflict is unavoidable sometimes. Observer is a Sage who calling is to find an end to suffering and protect the natural world from those who would upset the balance of it.   What you're looking for in a group: I am looking for a group that wishes to enact the goals of their PCs. A mixture of RP and Combat. A desire to have fun but also to attempt to immerse themselves in that world. Sticking to the campaign and showing up to the game would also be a big thing I'm looking for in a group. Discord name and ID number: Samb6771#7606 (I have a DNDBEYOND link for my character that if you wished to look at, I could pm it to you.)
5e/RP experience:  Three years of 3 long term campeigns and a lot of one shots Character Info      Name: Leon      Race: Human      Class: Fighter or Ranger       Alignment: Neutral Good       Personality traits: Calm, Well meaning, kind      Backstory: Back when Leon was a small child he lived in a quaint countryside village prone to wandering monster attacks. Leon's grandfather was a capable fighter and charged with protecting the town from the monsters.  Leon's grandfather did his best to impart his wisdom to Leon, but became to weak before Leon was of age. With no protector the townspeople and Leon were forced to flee their village. Now as an adult, Leon travels the land as a monster hunter for hire. What you're looking for in a group: Cool people that all get along with each other. Discord name and ID number: Jonah#7582

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5e/RP experience: 1 000ish hours over 4ish years mostly in D&D 5e Character Info      Name: Rolys Lowstrider      Race: Forest Gnome      Class: Rogue (arcane trickster)       Alignment:  Chaotic Good       Personality traits: Rolys is imaginative and curious, someone who loves to make art but is to shy to show it to others. He always seeks to learn new things and will hold on tight to a friend wherever he may find them.      Backstory:  Rolys spent his childhood in a tight knit clan in a forest they simply called the Greenwood. Far away from other races Rolys never felt small or out of place. He always had a natural knack for sneaking about in the woods, always winning hide and seek with his Brother Loryx and Sister Tandis. His brother strong and stoic, a hunter. His sister was calm and intelligent, a natural leader. Rolys was adventurous and curious, eager to see life beyond their woods. When he was in his 30th summer, still very young for a gnome, he ventured out into the world of human's, to their vast cities of stone and wood. His skills got him work straight away, his skills at stealth, magic, and unquenchable desire for learning made him a good spy. He got in with the rulers of the city as an informer,going from a hermit who had never left his woods to a servant of a human King in 10 short years. Now however, his king is dead and cruel men have usurped his power and position. Rolys is suddenly alone, searching for allies in this place of lies and betrayal.  Clearly this is all very loose, I'm not familiar with the setting this module takes place. I look forward to speaking with you further if you find my application acceptable so I can expand on this further. What you're looking for in a group: I want a group that cares about their characters, tries to RP as much as possible, and doesn't regularly miss sessions. Discord name and ID number: UWS-Larold#5587
5e/RP experience: i've played 5e for 3 years or so now, and i have rp'd on forums before that for 8+ years Character Info      Name: Leaftail       Race: Kobold!      Class: Druid!       Alignment: NG       Personality traits: Quiet, kind, looks out for others, meddlesome.      Backstory:  Leaftail the kobold lived a quiet life in his tribe. He learned from his family but mostly drawn to the woods. Eventually leaving his people, he was a pupil to a woodlands druid and learned from him, and was eventually sent off on a task. (i'd likely finetune it, but im applying to other games and wanna save time til im in to do so.) What you're looking for in a group: a basic fantasy dnd game with players who won't ruin the flow and assume privilage, and common sense in the world at large Discord name and ID number: megatokyofan666#9032

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5e/RP experience:  I've been playing TTRPGs for many years and have a decent chunk of experience with 5E, more with 3.5E and other systems like Call of Cthulhu and variants, East Texas University, Conspiracy X, Buffy, Paranoia, Night's Black Agents, Serenity, a smattering of W/CoD games, and more misc. games.  I enjoy getting into the head of a character and developing them with the story and other players. Character Info      Name:  Alek      Race:  Human      Class:   Fighter or Barbarian       Alignment:  Chaotic Good       Personality traits:     Alek is a brash, overconfident smooth talker who literally and figuratively excels at rolling with the punches (and throwing them back).  He's bright  and streetsmart but not particularly wise.  He is, after all, still a teenager.  To that end he's distrustful of authority and rather rebellious.  He's  amicable and friendly but also a rough and tumble, hold no punches kind of fellow.  He has a decent fuse but an explosive payload.      Backstory:    Ideally, I'd like to develop this in conjunction with the world we will playing in so it offers more chances for integration.  In broad terms, though, I'm  thinking of making him a raised on the streets, no parents or family type of character.  He grew up taking care of himself from early on.  Perhaps he's  been a gladiator in later years or an enforcer for a local gang.  In either case, some mishap has sent him out adventuring and away from his home locale. What you're looking for in a group:       A group of fun players who work well together and play off of each other.  I enjoy fleshing out characters and entire story worlds  with other players, seeing the ingenuity and sometimes just plain randomness other folks bring to the game and their perspectives on problem solving.  It's an experience you can't duplicate with a PC game. Discord name and ID number:  Jesse#2000