We have a group of 6 players, all new to 5e looking for an experienced DM to start a new weekly game.
Ideally we would meet online Thursdays, 8-11pm Central Time. Core D&D is preferred.
The group has a mix of experience. 4 us of played AD&D 2nd Ed in the 80s, and the other 2 are very familiar with genre just haven't played "D&D". This 6-man group has played numerous CRPGs - Neverwinter Nights 2, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, Age of Conan and others over the last 15 years, but looking to start up a D&D game. We have a paid Teamspeak3 server, but would use whatever tool or platform is best. We aren't familiar with Roll20, but this site was recommended by our local game store when I asked about finding a DM.