I'll preface this post by saying I'm not registered as a Creator. In fact, I'm relatively new to D&D only have played a few campaigns in my 40+ years and trying the DM hat for the first time during quarantine. Additionally I'm using the free tier of Roll20 and so don't expect any special priority or exceptions. I'm running the Wildemount preview campaign and in so using the Croaker Cave and Salsvault battlemaps in the Frozen Sick preview. I also happen to be an animator and motion graphics designer by trade (currently out of work), so to spice things up for my players, I modeled the caves and added animated environmental elements like lighting, water and fire to the map layer. My intention is to do the same to the Salsvault map and perhaps even create some animated creatures as they apply to this campaign. My question: I assume that trying to sell these on the marketplace is a straight up "not a chance without getting sued", but is there anything wrong with giving them out for free here? Sure, I'd like to make a little cash while being stuck at home, but if there's a way I can bring a little extra joy to anyone else wanting to run this particular module/campaign during this effed up time in history, I'm happy to share. So, is there a way I can do this without incurring the wrath of either Roll20 or WotC? Sure, I could create my own original content, but because I'm such a fresh face to all this, designing my own battlemaps is way over my head at the moment. I'm happy to get any and all advice, but I think the only definitive answers can come from moderators/authority figures. Thank you!