Hey guys I have been running a DnD Next Campaign on Called "Where have the Gods gone ?" And I am glad to say it has been doing well :D, and I am looking for some more Brave adventurers to join into my campaign. All are welcome :D From New players to battle hardened and tested Heroes. Some quick info : We play DnD next using the public palytest packet ( i can supply it if you do not have it ) We play 1-3 times a week and all sessions are not mandatory You are welcome to make your own character or use one of my premades The part started at lvl 10 and is currently 12 We use ventrillo mainly for voice paly but it is not required you speak you can just listen and type or type fully :D I am happy to help you with char creation or any other questions You can find more info and the background on the campaign page <a href="https://app.roll20.net/join/315798/xjuWjw" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/join/315798/xjuWjw</a> Or simply comment or PM id love to answer questions :D Also you can check out my past twitch broadcasts of some of our sessions :D <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/desupaireetsu/profile/pastBroadcasts" rel="nofollow">http://www.twitch.tv/desupaireetsu/profile/pastBroadcasts</a> As for Session times: ( sorry this is going to a little long) At this time we have 2 standard sessions atm a Wednesday night one (starting around 9PM EST) and a Sunday afternoon one (starting around 12:30-1 EST) (and usually a Saturday one but that has yet to stick to a solid time ) We have other scattered sessions based on player availability and are hoping to make another standard one once we have more players and can decide on a time that works best. Also I do solo or small sessions for some individual character development and side quests an example is I did a solo session for a rogue to join the thieves guild and such, as well as having jumbo sessions that span quite a few hours and will see different players drop in and out as the party continues. Hope to see some of you try to fair this post "disconnect" Faerun :D