In my current campaign the character sheets have suddenly stopped properly
attributing values from a character to the attached token. As seen here, the character "Thrann" has an unarmored AC of 17, or what the character sheet's attributes calls ac_no_armor However,
the token which is linked to said character sheet, is not properly
applying that attribute, and instead lists his AC as 14. Further,
I'm not even sure where the token is even getting that number from, as
neither his Dexterity modifer nor his equipped armor should give a value
of 14. This
only recently started happening to character sheets and tokens in this
game, and wasn't a problem before tonight. We noticed it in combat when
the values on the tokens, linked there for quick reference for me as the
DM, didn't align with what the character sheets and the players knew
the proper values for their character's AC should be. This is happening
to all my player's characters and their tokens, so it's not just the unarmored defense that isn't being attributed correctly, it's all armor. Oddly this doesn't happen for NPCs. I suspect , though I can't say for certain, that it's because the AC attribute isn't calculated at all for them but instead is simply whatever value I input into the proper field. Which leads me to believe that there is a bug on roll20's end somewhere in how attributes are being calculated and pulled by tokens.