Running into similar issues playing an Arcanist, which have the ability to boost their CL on the fly. Checking the Buff section of the help center ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ), @caster1_level and @caster2_level are not buffable stats, so they can't be modified via a custom buff. If you're using @caster1_level as part of a spell or ability description, the closest thing I've found is to manually adjust the CL under the configuration tab, then adjust it back when done. Clunky and prone to me forgetting to set it back, but the only thing I've found that works. If you just want a caster level check for dispelling or overcoming SR, you could make a custom attack or macro that rolls 1d20 + @caster1_level + any consistent bonuses. A more limited scope, but functional. If you wanted to be super hacky, since concentration is a buffable stat, create a buff that adds the consistent bonuses as a modifier to concentration checks, subtracts your casting stat, and subtracts bonuses that are only supposed to apply to concentration, then roll a concentration check. Example buff: +4 to concentration*; -@{cha} to concentration; -2** to concentration; * is a hypothetical bonus from Spell Penetration or Dispel Focus ** is a hypothetical bonus from a feat like Combat Casting that applies to Concentration checks but not the CL check in question